Shield spike

  • ️Tue May 13 2008

A Shield spike refers to an item crafted by blacksmiths to a shield that deals damage every time a hit is blocked. Shield spikes occupy the enchantment slot and will overwrite any existing enchantment. They can also be attached to a shield of any level and used by a shield-wielding character of any level.


Shield Spike
Shield Spike Block Damage Blacksmithing Skill
Required to Craft
Inv shield 08 [Pyrium Shield Spike] ?? ??
Inv qiraj hiltspiked [Elementium Shield Spike] ?? ?? Taught by trainer
Inv titanium shield spike [Titanium Shield Spike] 45-67 420 Taught by trainer
Inv misc armorkit 27 [Felsteel Shield Spike] 26-38 360 Alliance Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike]
Horde Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike]
Inv misc armorkit 20 [Thorium Shield Spike] 20-30 275 Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Shield Spike]
Inv misc armorkit 02 [Mithril Shield Spike] 16-20 215 Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Mithril Shield Spike]
Inv misc armorkit 01 [Iron Shield Spike] 8-12 150 Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Iron Shield Spike]

Patch changes[]

  • Bc icon Patch 2.4.2 (2008-05-13): Blacksmithing is no longer required to apply a shield spike to a shield
  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): Shield Spike damage will no longer occur on ranged blocks.