Siege of Grommashar

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Siege of Grommashar
Location Grommashar and Stones of Prophecy, Nagrand
Result Garrosh Hellscream defeated at mak'gora by Thrall. The Warsong in Nagrand are devoid of leadership.

Alliance & Horde

Iron Horde
Commanders and leaders

Alliance & Horde

Iron Horde

Casualties and losses

Alliance & Horde

  • Small

Iron Horde

  • Annihilated
Previous Battle for Shattrath, Auchindoun crisis
Next Fall of Shattrath

The siege of Grommashar was the final assault on the Warsong clan's base of operations within Nagrand, with the principal objective to dispose of Garrosh Hellscream, former warchief of the Horde, fugitive from the prime timeline as well as the latest Warlord of the Warsong clan in Draenor. The Azerothian coalition laid siege to the city, ultimately drawing Garrosh from hiding and culminated in a duel between Garrosh and Thrall at the Stones of Prophecy, future site of Garadar, with Thrall as the victor.[1]



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