
  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
Image of Skog
Race Gronn (Giant)
Level 10-40 Elite
Reaction Horde
Location Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge
Status Killable
Relative(s) Gurun (son), Gruuk (presumed), Frostfire Gronnlings

Skog is a gronn that can be found near Frostwall in Frostfire Ridge in a large cave. Skog's gender is unknown, but the Frostfire Gronnlings are known to be Skog's progeny. Notable among these gronnlings are Gurun and Gruuk. Olin Umberhide first tried to battle Skog, but failed, prompting the commander of Frostwall and Thrall to confront the gronn. Later, Skog's den is turned converted into an Herb Garden and a Fishing Shack.


  • Warrior talent icon thunderstruck Ground Slap — The caster smashes the ground, sending out multiple shockwaves that inflict Physical damage to all players in its path.

Objective of[]


  • "Skog" means "forest" in Swedish and Norwegian.

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