Smells Like A Plan

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceSmells Like A Plan
Start Cannary Caskshot [34.8, 49.1]
End Cannary Caskshot [34.8, 49.1]
Level 5-30
Category Loch Modan
Experience 1350
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards 14s
Previous A [5-30] Suddenly, Murlocs!
Next A [5-30] Axis of Awful


Collect 7 Murloc Scent Glands from any Bluegill Murloc in The Loch.


Murlocs workin' with gnolls? That's a laugh! Now, just killin' them won't get you anywhere. Too many of the buggers.

But I've got a plan, usin' the old noggin, see. Those murlocs, they have this smell, they get that smell on stuff, and when another murloc smells it, they go all crazy! Makes great bait for 'em.

Anyway, they've got little glands that have that smell in 'em. You go and get me a bunch of those.


You will receive: 14s


Now don't you stink all to high hell! I'm assumin' that's because of the murlocs, but it's hard to tell.


Phew! Ain't that a stench.

Now you prepare yourself, because I'm about to wow you with what's left of my mental faculties.


Pick up A [5-30] A Load of Croc and A [5-30] Buzz Off before heading out. Since players are near the Loch, remember that Inv misc book 09 [Gorick's Stash List] mentions the fishing dock near Thelsamar. The stolen document can be found just to the northeast of Cannary at [41.4, 39.0] by the old waterline. Collect it and pick up A [5-30] Explorers' League Document (2 of 6) before heading back to Stoutlager.

Head east, down into the loch and start killing. Murlocs are along the loch's west coast, while the crocolisks and buzzards are down to the south.

While at the southern end of what's left of the loch, note the Mosshide Representative at [50.6, 56.1] speaking to a few Bluegill Representatives with a Tunnel Rat Lackey in attendance. Maybe there is some truth to the rumors.


Optional breadcrumbs: A [5-30] Reinforcements for Loch Modan or A [5-30] Hero's Call: Loch Modan!

South Gate Pass[]

  1. A [5-30] The Lost Pilot
  2. A [5-30] A Pilot's Revenge
  3. A [5-30] South Gate Status Report

Valley of Kings and Thelsamar[]

  1. A [5-30] In Defense of the King's Lands
  2. A [5-30] A Decisive Strike
  3. A [5-30] Onward to Thelsamar

Main chain[]

  1. A [5-30] Stormpike's Orders (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [5-30] A Tiny, Clever Commander
  3. A [5-30] Kobold and Kobolder
  4. A [5-30] Who's In Charge Here?
  5. A [5-30] The Bearer of Gnoll-edge
  6. A [5-30] Suddenly, Murlocs!
  7. A [5-30] Smells Like A Plan
  8. A [5-30] Axis of Awful
  9. A [5-30] Resupplying the Excavation
  10. A [5-30] Protecting the Shipment
  11. A [5-30] Keep Your Hands Off The Goods!
  12. A [5-30] Joining the Hunt, A [5-30] Find Bingles (optional)
  13. A [5-30] Wing Nut
  14. A [5-30] Bird is the Word
  15. A [5-30] Skystrider's Heart
  16. A [5-30] He's That Age
  17. A [5-30] Standing Up
  18. A [5-30] Fight the Hammer
  19. A [5-30] Servants of Cho'gall
  20. A [5-30] Gor'kresh
  21. A [5-30] Ando's Call
  22. A [5-30] The Winds of Loch Modan

Patch changes[]

External links[]