
  • ️Tue Jun 29 2021
No image available
Gender Female
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel So
Location Tazavesh, the Veiled Market

So'leah is a broker serving as the final boss of Tazavesh, the Veiled Market.

Adventure Journal[]

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So'leah's thirst for power culminates in this final battle. Unleashing a force she does not fully understand, the cartel boss is transformed into a creature of unbridled ferocity. As rampant energy spills from the artifact, So'leah must be stopped before her actions tear down Tazavesh's foundations.

  • Overview – So'leah calls on assassins and uses powerful broker magic to assault players until she can unlock the artifact's power and recklessly wield it with devastating effect.
  • Damage Dealers –
    • Coordinate with allies to disrupt So'leah's Power Overwhelming.
    • Collapsing Star inflicts substantial damage to all party members when discharged.
  • Healer –
    • Coordinate with allies to disrupt So'leah's Power Overwhelming.
    • Collapsing Star inflicts substantial damage to all party members when discharged.
  • Tank –
    • Collapsing Star inflicts substantial damage to all party members when discharged.
    • Coordinate with allies to disrupt So'leah's Power Overwhelming.

Stage One: Final Preparations

  • Hyperlight Spark – So'leah creates a Hyperlight Spark that jumps between all players, inflicting 6582 Arcane damage.
  • Collapsing Star – So'leah forms an orb containing 4 charges of Collapsing Energy that persists for 25 sec. Each time a player comes into contact with the Collapsing Star it consumes a charge to apply Collapsing Energy to all players, inflicting 4114 Arcane damage every 1 sec for 3 sec. All remaining charges of Collapsing Energy are consumed when the Collapsing Star expires.
  • Summon Assassins – So'leah summons elite assassins to assist her.
    • So' Cartel Assassin – Highly mobile elite assassins.
      • Shuriken Blitz – The Assassin quickly repositions and readies a volley of shurikens. Inflicts 8228 Physical damage to all players and causes them to bleed, inflicting an additional 4388 Physical damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.

Stage Two: Power Overwhelming At 40% health remaining So'leah draws her relics into the arena to transform herself.

  • Power Overwhelming – So'leah links herself to the relics, drawing upon their power to reduce all damage taken by 99% while linked. Striking a relic with Hyperlight Jolt disrupts its link with So'leah.
  • Hyperlight Jolt – So'leah unleashes a blast of energy through all players inflicting 10970 Arcane damage in a line between each player and increasing damage taken from Hyperlight Jolt by 50% for 15 sec. Striking a relic with the blast disrupts its link with So'leah.
  • Collapsing Star – So'leah forms an orb containing 4 charges of Collapsing Energy that persists for 25 sec. Each time a player comes into contact with the Collapsing Star it consumes a charge to apply Collapsing Energy to all players, inflicting 4114 Arcane damage every 1 sec for 3 sec. All remaining charges of Collapsing Energy are consumed when the Collapsing Star expires.
  • Energy Fragmentation – So'leah triggers a violent reaction in a relic, releasing energy fragments in several directions. Players caught in the path of an energy fragment are knocked away and suffer 18101 Arcane damage and an additional 5485 Arcane damage every 2 sec for 6 sec.
  • Hyperlight Nova – So'leah and the relics erupt, inflicting 27425 Arcane damage to players within 14 yds.


Because disrupting her relics is the only way to bring her 99% damage shield down, and for that at least two players are needed, she's barely soloable.

Objective of[]


Normal loot
Bonus loot


So'leah yells: I will unmake you!

So'leah yells: Bow before Cartel So!

So'leah yells: Guards, remove these pests.

So'leah yells: How dare you hinder me!

So'leah yells: I have already forgotten you.

So'leah yells: I will unmake you!

So'leah yells: Lie in ruin!

So'leah yells: My cartel... must not... fade...

So'leah yells: Oppose me and be extinguished!

So'leah yells: The power of the First Ones--mine to control!

So'leah yells: The realms... I can feel them all!

So'leah yells: The stars are mine!

So'leah yells: The tools of creation--at my command!

So'leah yells: This power... is vast.

Summon Assassins
So'leah yells: Guards, remove these pests!

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Mob Dungeon final bosses

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.