
  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
Icon-delete-black-48x48 The subject of this article was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 10.0.2.
  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
  • The in-game information in this article is kept purely for historical purposes.
Image of So'turu
Title <Fence of the First Ones>
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel So
Location Hall of Holding, Oribos
Status Alive

So'turu is a broker vendor located in the Hall of Holding in Oribos. Next to him are Ko'ropo and Ta'choso.


Item Cost
Inv glaive 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Alandien's Tortured Twinblades] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv knife 1h progenitorraid d 02 [Antumbra, Shadow of the Cosmos] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv trinket progenitorraid 01 yellow [Architect's Ingenuity Core] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv shield 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Assimilated Safeguard] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv firearm 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Astral Verdict] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Achievement reputation automa [Auxiliary Attendant Chime] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv devourerswarmermut red [Bells of the Endless Feast] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Achievement general stayclassy [Cache of Acquired Treasures] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv jewelry necklace 54 [Chains of Domination] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv knife 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Crystallized Viscera Spike] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv sword 1h progenitor d 01 [Discordant Deathblade] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv hand 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Domination's Deliverance] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Spell nature earthquake [Earthbreaker's Impact] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv trinket progenitorraid 02 orange [Elegy of the Eternals] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv staff 2h progenitorraid d 03 [Elysia's Promise] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv firearm 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Final Forte] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv offhand 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Forbidden Truth] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv sword 1h progenitorraid d 02 [Forerunner's Relic Blade] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv mace 2h jailerpc d 01 [Gavel of the First Arbiter] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv mace 1h progenitor d 01 [Genesis Lathe] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Ability priest cascade shadow [Grim Eclipse] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv staff 2h progenitorraid d 02 [Guardstaff of the Great Cycle] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Spell nature insect swarm2 [Heart of the Swarm] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv helm plate metalband d 01 [Intrusive Thoughtcage] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv mace 1h progenitor d 01 [Key to the Immortal Hearth] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv axe 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Lightshatter Hatchet] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv knife 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Lihuvim's Severing Scalpel] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv axe 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Maestro's Malice] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv offhand 1h progenitorraid d 01 [Obscured Fractal Prism] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv knife 1h progenitorraid d 02 [Observer's Umbral Shiv] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Misc torgast theboxofmanythings [Pocket Protoforge] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv sword 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Prelude to Pride] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv trinket progenitorraid 01 orange [Pulsating Riftshard] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv staff 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Pursuit of Victory] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv misc dust [Reclaimer's Intensity Core] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv sword 1h progenitorraid d 02 [Replicated Relic Blade] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Spell mage presenceofmind [Resonant Reservoir] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv mace 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Rift-Scarred Solcrusher] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv shield 58 [Ruined Crest of Lordaeron] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Ability domination rune13 [Scars of Fraternal Strife] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv shield 1h progenitorraid d 02 [Sepulcher's Savior] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv legendary sigilofwisdom [The First Sigil] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Spell holy surgeoflight [The Lion's Roar] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv crossbow 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Xy Captain's Crossbow] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar
Inv polearm 2h progenitorraid d 01 [Zovastrum, the Unmaking] 1 Puzzling Cartel Dinar




<So'turu gazes intensely at the coin in your hand.>

Maw Walker! Have you come to trade? Allow us to show the finest wares in all the Shadowlands.

Gossip You seem to recognize this coin. What is it?

Coins of this make exceedingly rare. Though they are beautiful, little is known about them aside that they materialize only within places of extreme cosmic significance.
Even so, they are entirely worthless! No one in the Shadowlands will accept them. To you, my friend, They are as good as rocks.
My associates and I will be leaving Oribos soon, but our treasures are simply too numerous to take with us. However, we may be able to make a mutually beneficial exchange. Allow us to relieve you of any of those Coins you come across, And in return you may take one of our prizes. A good trade, with us coming out the lesser, no?
Do not worry about our compensation, friend. Simply aiding you is reward enough. Do we have a deal?

Buy Show me your wares.

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