Soul Coffer (item)

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
For the Krokuun mob, see Soul Coffer.

Inv archaeology 80 witch chest20

  • Soul Coffer
  • Binds when picked up
  • Use: Carefully crate the restored artifact.
  • "Artifact details have already been logged in your Archaeology Journal, under the Completed Artifacts tab."
  • Sell Price: 1g
Soul Coffer (item)

Soul Coffer

Soul Coffers are common Drust archaeology finds.


Soul Coffer

When a soul is called from the afterlife, it is free to roam the material realm if it is not restrained within moments of its arrival. The Drust created prisons for these souls for later use in their dark rituals, during which time the soul would suffer within Thros, and become a twisted version of what it once had been.

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Item Object