Taming the Beast (night elf)

Classic The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.1 but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
AllianceTaming the Beast
Start Dazalar
End Dazalar
Level 10 (Requires 10)
Category Teldrassil
Race IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Night Elf
Class Hunter Hunter
Experience 850
Next Taming the Beast

Taming the Beast is the first pet taming quest in the chain of three for hunters in the Night Elf starting area of Teldrassil. It has the hunter capture a Webwood Lurker for use as a pet.


Use the Ability hunter beasttaming [Taming Rod] to tame a Webwood Lurker. Practice your skills, then return the Taming Rod to Dazalar in Dolanaar.


As a hunter, it is important to remember the responsibility you hold in your hands. Nature is not a power that can be bent to obey our desires; it is one that is to be respected and acknowledged as something stronger than your very existence.

<Name>, you must prove your understanding of this before you will gain the ability to tame an animal to be your companion.

Your first task is to take this taming rod. With it, you will be able to tame a webwood lurker. Tame it, and practice your skills as a hunter.


You will learn, <name>, and one day you will be a great hunter.


Excellent, <name>! You are quite a fast learner.


850 Experience


  1. A IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Hunter [10] The Hunter's Path
  2. A IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Hunter [10] Taming the Beast
  3. A IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Hunter [10] Taming the Beast
  4. A IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Hunter [10] Taming the Beast
  5. A IconSmall NightElf MaleIconSmall NightElf Female Hunter [10] Training the Beast

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