Taurajo Looter

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
MobTaurajo Looter
Image of Taurajo Looter
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Northwatch Expeditionary Force
Location Ruins of Taurajo, Southern Barrens

Taurajo Looters are humans found in the Southern Barrens, picking over the Ruins of Taurajo. They were originally sent to the Southern Barrens as a penal legion from the Stormwind Stockade, a part of the Northwatch Expeditionary Force soldiers under the command of General John Hawthorne.[1] While some of them were apprehended by Alliance adventurers at General Hawthorne's behest and sent to the brig, others were not so lucky.[1] Those found by Horde adventurers under the command of Warlord Bloodhilt were killed and strung up along the Gold Road as a warning to the Alliance.[2]

Objective of[]


  • Spell nature nullifypoison Deadly Poison — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy every 3 seconds for 15 sec.
  • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice Sinister Strike — Inflicts 110% weapon damage to an enemy.
  • Ability rogue slicedice Slice and Dice — Increases the caster's attack speed by 30% for 10 sec.


  • Hey man/woman, I'm just tryin' to get my slice of the pie.
  • You want in on this? Smash and grab, baby!
  • Hurry up, <class>! Take everything you can!
  • Hey, <class>! This place is pretty picked over but you might still be able to find somethin' worth your time.
  • All these dead Tauren got on 'em is beads and junk. Did you score anything good?
  • Whoa, you aren't here to bust us, are you?


  • Grab anything you think we can fence.
  • Has anyone seen the quilboar they had caged up over here?
  • Have we cleaned out the inn yet? Burn the rest of it when you're done!
  • Hey, did anyone loot the mailbox yet?
  • Hurry it up. The soldiers have already pulled out of here.
  • Most of this stuff is beads and hides. Where's all the treasure?
  • There's got to be more. Doublecheck the bodies!
  • Time is wasting. I want this place picked clean before they counter-attack.


  • Cheese it! It's the fuzz!
  • I ain't goin' back to the clink, <lady/man>!
  • It didn't have to go down this way, <class>.
  • No way I'm letting them ship me back to the stockades!
  • You'll never take me alive, <class>!


  • I yield. I'll go quietly.
  • Okay, stop! I give up!
  • ...Busted!

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