Thorium Point

  • ️Tue Jun 07 2005
NeutralThorium Point
Thorium Point
Leader(s) IconSmall DarkIron Male Overseer Oilfist
Race(s) Dark Iron dwarfDark Iron dwarf Dark Iron dwarf
Ironforge dwarfIronforge dwarf Ironforge dwarf
OrcOrc Orc
Affiliation(s) Thorium Brotherhood
Location Northwestern Searing Gorge[36, 27]
Status Active

Undone Inn          Undone Mailbox

Undone Stables

Done Anvil & Forge

Undone Bank       Undone Auctions
Travel Done Flight Master(s)
Undone Mass-transit
Undone Portal(s)

Thorium Point is a small, neutral town in northern Searing Gorge inhabited by the Thorium Brotherhood.

It has a flight path and the majority of the quests in the Searing Gorge as well as a couple of vendors. It is located northeast of Firewatch Ridge and is populated mostly by neutral Dark Iron dwarves. It is a critical hub for farming Thorium Brotherhood reputation.

There is a forge and anvil at this location.

Travel connections[]

Flight Alliance Ironforge in Dun Morogh Alliance Stormwind City in Elwynn Forest Alliance Thelsamar in Loch Modan Alliance Morgan's Vigil in Burning Steppes Alliance Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands Horde Kargath in Badlands Horde Flame Crest in Burning Steppes


Other characters

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Thorium Point is the center of operations for the Thorium Brotherhood's enterprise. Located on a mesa on the north side of the Searing Gorge, it is part fortress and part workshop. Though ample resources exist just outside their gates, the Brotherhood keeps a constant vigil against attacks by Dark Iron dwarves, elementals and wild beasts. Despite the high security, Thorium Point is open for business to anyone who can brave the hostile landscape to reach it. The safest way to travel to it is by gryphon.[1]

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ Dark Factions, pg. 161

External links[]