Threat From Above

  • ️Tue Apr 14 2009
NeutralThreat From Above
Start Eadric the Pure / Crok Scourgebane
End Eadric the Pure / Crok Scourgebane
Level 25-30
Type Daily Group (3)
Category Argent Tournament
Experience 22050
Reputation +325 Argent Crusade/Knights of the Ebon Blade
Rewards Inv scroll 11 [Champion's Writ], or Inv misc bag 10 blue [Champion's Purse] and 2x Ability paladin artofwar [Champion's Seal]
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [25-30] The Black Knight's Fall
For the introduction to the Sha'tari Skyguard quest chain, see N [15-30] Threat From Above.

Threat From Above is a daily group 3 quest offered as part of the Argent Tournament. It is made available to champions who have finished N [25-30] The Black Knight's Fall as part of the quest chain revolving around The Black Knight.


Eadric the Pure / Crok Scourgebane at the Argent Tournament wants you to defeat Chillmaw and 3 Cultist Bombardiers.

Suggested Players [3]


Eadric the Pure

Highlord Tirion Fordring has doubled the guard since your exposure of the Cult of the Damned's infiltrator. He doesn't believe that they will stop just because their Black Knight has been defeated.

Our skytalon scouts have reported sighting a frost wyrm named Chillmaw leading a cult raiding party. If we don't intercept them, the tournament will come under attack. The scouts report seeing Chillmaw to the southwest, flying over the area between the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar.

Crok Scourgebane

The Argent Crusade has doubled the guard since your exposure of the Cult of the Damned's infiltrator. They know the cultists won't stop until they've destroyed this area and thwarted the tournament.

The Argent Crusade's scouts have reported sighting a frost wyrm named Chillmaw leading a cult raiding party.

You must intercept and destroy them before they attack. The scouts reporting seeing Chillmaw to the southwest, flying over the area between the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv scroll 11 [Champion's Writ] Inv misc bag 10 blue [Champion's Purse]

You will also receive: 2xAbility paladin artofwar [Champion's Seal]


Have you defeated the Cult of the Damned raiding party?


Eadric the Pure

<name>, you and your allies have spared the tournament from a devastating attack. Though our skytalon riders are brave, they have their hands full keeping the peace on the tournament grounds and would be hard-pressed to defend the skies against the cult's attack. You have the thanks of the Argent Crusade and all who have gathered here to compete.

Crok Scourgebane

<name>, you have spared the tournament from a devastating attack. The Argent Crusade and all who gather here are in our debt and we'll make certain they remember it. For all their bluster about providing protection, the peacekeepers and skytalons spend more time breaking up drunken brawls than keeping us safe from the Scourge.

It's no matter. We always protect our own.


Head between the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar, north of the Valley of Fallen Heroes, south of the Shadow Vault. Mob Chillmaw is circling the area, an 82 elite frost wyrm with 107,848 HP. Shortly after aggroing Chillmaw, three level 80 elite Mob Cultist Bombardiers spawn, each with 25,200 HP who hit for 11-1500 on cloth.

Keep moving after aggroing Chillmaw, as the bombardiers will drop bombs at a fairly rapid rate. Said bombs are rather painful.

Chillmaw has a fairly quick respawn timer (around a minute) and spawns at [44.0, 33.2].

The fight itself isn't too difficult, and in no way requires a stereotypical party. A large amount of DPS and AoE can bring Chillmaw and the cultists down pretty quickly.

Being in the Icecrown general chat channel can make putting together parties for Chillmaw a cinch. Usually, these are followed up by doing N [25-30 Daily] Battle Before The Citadel right afterwards.

Death Knights and Paladins can solo this quest without any problems. Also, any level 85 character should be able to solo this quest as well.


  1. B [25-30] A Champion Rises
  2. N [25-30] Eadric the Pure -or- N Death knight [25-30] The Scourgebane
  3. Start earning [Champion's Seals] to purchase rewards:

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Argent Crusade Ebon Blade
Alliance Horde Alliance Horde