Tonight We Dine In Havenshire

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
NeutralTonight We Dine in Havenshire
Start Orithos the Sky Darkener
End Orithos the Sky Darkener
Level 8-30
Category Death Knight
Experience 12250
Rewards Inv misc cape 08 [Sky Darkener's Shroud of Blood] or Inv misc cape 21 [Sky Darkener's Shroud of the Unholy] or Inv misc cape 05 [Shroud of the North Wind] and 1 Bonus talent


Previous N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Harvest


Orithos the Sky Darkener at Death's Breach wants you to recover 15 Saronite Arrows.


The Sky Darkeners are mindless constructs with one purpose: KILL! Specifically, they are aiming to kill any man or woman they see fleeing Havenshire for the safety of New Avalon. We certainly can't allow those cowards to make it to safety and then take up arms against us!

There is one slight problem. They use saronite arrows for maximum range and damage. Saronite, however, is a metal only found in Northrend, so supplies are limited! Retrieve those arrows for me and I will reward you handsomely.


You will be allowed to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc cape 08 [Sky Darkener's Shroud of Blood] Inv misc cape 21 [Sky Darkener's Shroud of the Unholy]
Inv misc cape 05 [Shroud of the North Wind]

You will also receive: 85s and 1 Bonus talent.


The trajectories they are firing at would have most of the arrows land at or near the Havenshire Farm, south of us.


Well done, death knight! You feed the Scourge war machine with your deeds!

Ah yes, your reward - as promised.


A reference to the film 300, a line from Gerard Butler: "Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty...For tonight, we dine in hell!"

The "Sky Darkeners" may also a reference to 300: A Persian emissary, upon losing his arm to Spartan warrior Stelios (Michael Fassbender), threatens the Spartans with annihilation and boasts that "our arrows will blot out the sun" (to which Stelios replies "Then we will fight in the shade").


  1. N Death Knight [8-30] In Service Of The Lich King
  2. N Death Knight [8-30] The Emblazoned Runeblade
  3. N Death Knight [8-30] Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
  4. N Death Knight [8-30] The Endless Hunger
  5. N Death Knight [8-30] The Eye Of Acherus
  6. N Death Knight [8-30] Death Comes From On High
  7. N Death Knight [8-30] The Might Of The Scourge
  8. N Death Knight [8-30] Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
  9. N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Harvest
  10. Complete all of:
  11. N Death Knight [8-30] Gothik the Harvester
  12. N Death Knight [8-30] The Gift That Keeps On Giving
  13. N Death Knight [8-30] An Attack Of Opportunity
  14. N Death Knight [8-30] Massacre At Light's Point
  15. N Death Knight [8-30] Victory At Death's Breach!
  16. N Death Knight [8-30] The Will Of The Lich King
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  21. N Death Knight [8-30] The Path Of The Righteous Crusader & N Death Knight [8-30] Brothers In Death
  22. N Death Knight [8-30] Bloody Breakout
  23. N Death Knight [8-30] A Cry For Vengeance!
  24. N Death Knight [8-30] A Special Surprise
  25. N Death Knight [8-30] A Sort Of Homecoming
  26. N Death Knight [8-30] Ambush At The Overlook
  27. N Death Knight [8-30] A Meeting With Fate
  28. N Death Knight [8-30] The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges
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  35. N Death Knight [8-30] The Battle For The Ebon Hold
  36. A Death Knight [8-30] Where Kings Walk or H Death knight [8-30] Saurfang's Blessing

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