Tradesmen's Terrace

Tradesmen's Terrace
The Tradesmen's Terrace is a large district in the southern portion of Darnassus, the night elf capital. The terrace is the center of commerce in the city, hosting most vendors and shopkeepers, as well as Darnassus's auction house. The area can be accessed from the Warrior's Terrace in the north, as well as the Temple of the Moon and Temple Gardens in the west.
During the Burning of Teldrassil, the wooden buildings of the Tradesmen's Terrace burned quickly.[1]
Ellandrieth <General Goods>
Yldan <Bag Merchant>
Glorandiir <Axe Merchant>
Merelyssa <Blade Merchant>
Mythidan <Mace & Staff Merchant>
Treshala Fallowbrook
Jareth Wildwoods
Kieran <Weapon Merchant>
Auctioneer Golothas
Auctioneer Tolon
Auctioneer Cazarez
Auctioneer Silva'las
Jaeana <Meat Vendor>
Landria <Bow Merchant>
Turian <Thrown Weapons Merchant>
Vinasia <Cloth Armor Merchant>
Ealyshia Dewwhisper <Two Handed Weapon Merchant>
Melea <Mail Armor Merchant>
Caynrus <Shield Merchant>
Andrus <Staff Merchant>
Anadyia <Robe Vendor>
Cyridan <Leather Armor Merchant>
- Unnamed