Uldum Accord

  • ️Tue Jan 14 2020
For the quest, see N [50] The Uldum Accord.
NeutralUldum Accord
Race(s) Tol'vir Tol'vir
HumanHuman Human
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Night elfNight elf Night elf
DraeneiDraenei Draenei
MurlocMurloc Murloc
Base of operations Ramkahen
Theater of operations Uldum
Affiliation Independent
Status Active
Quartermaster IconSmall Human Female Provisioner Qorra

The Uldum Accord is a reputation faction in Uldum that opposes the encroaching forces of N'Zoth as well as the Amathet tol'vir. It is comprised of various denizens of Uldum, including the Ramkahen, Explorers' League, and Wastewander nomads.

Faction description[]

A loose coalition of allies headed by the Tol'vir, the Uldum Accord was founded to protect the Forge of Origination from enemy forces.


Provisioner Qorra
<Uldum Accord Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Spell priest voidsear [Void Tendril Pet Leash] 1 Corrupted Mementos
70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Contract: Uldum Accord] 1,400g Recipe
Honored Spell priest voidsear [Void Tendril Pet Leash] 20 Polished Pet Charm100 Corrupted Mementos Toy
Revered Inv misc coin 09 [Token of Death's Glee] 50 Corrupted Mementos Essence
Inv scroll 08 [Troop Requisition: Ramkahen Lancer] 500 War Resources
Ability mount camel gray [Pygmy Camel] 300 Polished Pet Charm Pet
Exalted Inv tabard uldumaccord [Uldum Accord Tabard] 240g Tabard
Inv vulturemount red [Wastewander Skyterror] 24,000g Mount

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Faction Paragon