Unholy Axe

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
MobUnholy Axe
Image of Unholy Axe
Race Animated object (Undead)
Level 31 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Naxxramas

Unholy Axes are animated runeblades that can be found in Naxxramas.


A giant frontal cleave and whirlwind that hits mail armor for ~2200. The cleave has a large depth to it (was hitting people far behind the warrior tanking it). They also will use sweeping strikes, which hit for melee damage as well (roughly 2200 on mail as well).


Simply position it facing away from the rest of the raid, like any normal mob that cleaves or has a frontal cone AE.

Notable drops[]

Normal 25 man[]


Unholy Axe old

Old Unholy Axe

There are three types of unholy weapon in Naxxramas, Unholy Axes, Unholy Swords, and Unholy Staves. The swords and axes have melee abilities, the staves have spell abilities.

Patch changes[]

External links[]