
  • ️Sun Nov 03 2019
Sleeping Acolyte

A Sleeping Acolyte in Hearthstone.

Vampires[1][2][3] or vampyr[4][5] are a type of undead[4][6] known to drink blood.[7]

Up until the third invasion of the Burning Legion on Azeroth, knowledge of vampyr was mostly limited to the San'layn, a sect of vampyric Darkfallen in service to the Scourge.[8] With the people of Azeroth flocking to the Broken Isles, Sir Finley Mrrgglton of the Explorers' League discovered an ancient vrykul vampyr in Stormheim who upon being woken up from his slumber by human pirates transformed them into vampires as well. This ancient vampyr, Blood-Thane Lucard, was killed by an order champion, though Mrrgglton had his doubts as to whether vampyr can truly die.[4]

Types on Azeroth[]


Prince Tenris Mirkblood

Prince Tenris Mirkblood, a Darkfallen San'layn.


Captain Broketooth

Captain Broketooth and the Red Blade were turned into vampyr by Lucard

  • Blood-Thane Lucard, a vrykul vampyr, was discovered by Sir Finley Mrrgglton in Dreyrgrot in Stormheim. His state was specifically compared to the San'layn by Mrrgglton, who had long suspected that some vrykul had also been cursed like the blood elves.[4] Sir Finley gave the order champion a sharp wooden stake to stab Lucard through the heart with, but it turned out to be ineffective.
    • The Red Blade is a fleet of human pirates found the tomb of Lucard, who upon being woken up seeped out a mist from the ancient ruins,[9] transforming the pirates into blood-crazed vampires.[10]






Vampiric Blood HS

Vampiric Blood in Hearthstone.

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

A vampire is a creature that feeds off of the energy or blood of others. The rune spell known as Vampiric Mark of Striking is said to imbue a weapon with the essence of a vampire.[15]

Notes and trivia[]

See also[]


Creature group
Undead creatures