
  • ️Sat Nov 19 2022
Watchful Drake green 3

A velocidrake.

Velocidrakes are a type of dragonkin found on the Dragon Isles. They are bipedal, built similar to pterrordax or birds, and possess long talons which give them an edge on the Ohn'ahran Plains.[1] It is unclear whether they are simply a different body type of common dragons, or a separate race altogether.


As a mount[]

Inv companionpterrordaxdrake [Windborne Velocidrake] is a Dragonriding mount rewarded from N [62-65] Shady Sanctuary in the Ohn'ahran Plains storyline.


  • They use modified pterrordax animations.
  • According to narrative director Steve Danuser, Blizzard have intentionally not explained how "dragon-adjacent" creatures like velocidrakes and wylderdrakes relate to the main dragonflights, as they felt that it was more interesting to simply show them as part of the world and let players draw their own conclusions.[2]


  1. ^ Inv companionpterrordaxdrake [Windborne Velocidrake]
  2. ^ Medievaldragon 2022-11-19. Dragonflight Launch Interview with Steve Danuser and Maria Hamilton. Blizzplanet. Retrieved on 2023-01-17.