Veras Darkshadow

  • ️Tue May 22 2007
Main article: Illidari Council
BossVeras Darkshadow
Image of Veras Darkshadow
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Class Rogue
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Illidari
Former affiliation(s) Sunfury
Occupation Assassin
Location Chamber of Command, Black Temple
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable Bc icon

Veras Darkshadow model

Illidari Council TCG

Veras of the Council

Veras Darkshadow is a blood elf boss in the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley. He is the rogue classed member of the Illidari Council. He specializes in assassination.


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Veras was one of most powerful and talented blood elves of the forces led by Kael'thas Sunstrider to the Outland. Veras was exceptionally gifted in the fields of espionage and shadowing. Kael'thas sent Veras and the others, who would later form the Illidari Council, to assist and advise Illidan Stormrage. Veras would later become one of Illidan's most steadfast supporters even in the wake of the former prince's defection to the Burning Legion. He did not feel the urge to fight for Illidan's attention. He commanded Illidari trackers and agents, sending them on missions ordered by Illidan, including the searches for Maiev Shadowsong and Kael'thas.[1]


  • Ability druid balanceofpower Balance of Power — Health shared among all four members of the Illidari Council.
  • Ability stealth Vanish — Puts the caster in stealth mode for 30 sec.
    • Ability rogue disembowel Envenom — Veras comes out of the shadows and Envenoms an enemy which inflicts 886 Nature damage.
  • Ability rogue dualweild Deadly Poison — Poisons an enemy target with deadly poison. Inflicts 208 Nature damage every 1 sec for 4 sec.


You wish to test me?
  • You're not cut out for this!
  • Anar'alah belore!
Kill Comment
A glorious kill!
Valiant effort!
You wish to kill me? Hahaha, you first!
You got lucky!



  • Veras Darkshadow with the Council in the Chamber of Command.

    Veras Darkshadow with the Council in the Chamber of Command.

  • Veras Darkshadow TCG artwork by Dany Orizio.

    Veras Darkshadow TCG artwork by Dany Orizio.

Patch changes[]


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