
  • ️Tue Nov 04 2008
Image of Vesperon
Gender Male
Race Twilight drake (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight dragonflight
Location Obsidian Sanctum
Status Killable
Obsidian Sanctum




Vesperon is a summoned twilight drake in the Obsidian Sanctum, appearing in the fight with Sartharion.


  • Inv misc head dragon bronze Power of Vesperon — Vesperon's presence decreases the maximum health of all enemies by 25%.
  • Spell shadow shadowandflame Shadow Breath — Inflicts 1869 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Spell shadow creepingplague Shadow Fissure — Deals 2262 Shadow damage to any enemy within the Shadow fissure after 5 sec.
  • Inv misc head dragon black Twilight Revenge — Sartharion's attacks become increasingly frenzied as twilight drakes are killed, increasing Physical damage and attack speed by 25%.

If left alive, he will apply his aura, Power of Vesperon, to the entire raid as long as he is alive, decreasing everyone's maximum health by 25%.


Vesperon should be tanked facing away from the raid.

Periodically, Vesperon opens a portal to the Twilight. A team of DPS, armed with a healer and tank, should head into the portal and nuke down the add that spawns inside it. All members take 1000 Shadow damage per second while in the portal, so healing can be intensive or players can leap out as required. A shadow resistance buff from a priest is helpful here.

In a 10-man, the entire raid — except for the main tank, who stays on Vesperon, and a healer to heal the main tank — should head into the portal. In 25-man raids, the number that enters the portal is not as important.

Rinse and repeat until Vesperon is dead.


Called by Sartharion
Sartharion yells: Vesperon, the clutch is in danger! Assist me!
Vesperon yells: Father was right about you, Sartharion. You ARE a weakling.
You pose no threat, lesser beings! Give me your worst!
Breath Attack
I will pick my teeth with your bones!
Killing a player
  • The least you could do is put up a fight...
  • Was that the best you can do?
I still have some... fight... in me-e-e...
Unused quotes
  • Aren't you tricky... I have a few tricks of my own...
  • Unlike you, I have many talents.


  • His name is likely taken from the Latin word vesper which means "evening".

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Primary dragon types
Other dragon types
Twilight Dragonflight
Other draconic groups