Victory in Our Name

  • ️Tue Jun 29 2021
NeutralVictory in Our Name
Start Baroness Draka [62.0, 41.6]
End The Primus [63.0, 25.3]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Chains of Domination
Experience 1,000
Rewards Inv misc covenant renown [Emblem of Renown]
2x Inv misc crystalepic2 [Ziggurat Focusing Crystal] (500 anima)

2g 57s 40c

Previous N [60] A Traitor's Due
Next N [60] Dreadlords! (at Renown 50), N [60] Filling an Empty Throne (for Necrolords), N [60WQ] Containing the Helsworn (WQ)
Victory in Our Name

Draka and Thrall

Victory in Our Name concludes the fifth chapter of the Chains of Domination campaign, "An Army of Bone and Steel". Necrolord Covenant players have a few additional follow-up quests, starting with N [60] Filling an Empty Throne. The sixth chapter of nine begins at Renown 50 with Baroness Vashj starting N [60] Dreadlords! behind the Waystone to Oribos.

Completing this quest also unlocks the N [60WQ] Containing the Helsworn weekly elite world quest in Desmotaeron.


Return to the Primus at Korthia.


With Helya and Vyraz taken care of, we have achieved a major victory against the Mawsworn today. It is also a showing of what the combined might of the Shadowlands looks like.

We should return to Korthia before something else arises.


You will receive:


There is no doubt that we will need to put pressure on Desmotaeron once again.

The witch of the Val'kyr will not let us walk free if she can help it.


On accept
Baroness Draka says: Well fought... Go'el. Come, we will speak.
Thrall says: You... knew?

A Death Gate to Korthia appears and Draka and Thrall leave through it. Take it for a shortcut back. Find the two orcs at the Necrolord camp and speak with Draka:

We have breached the Maw with an army and returned. This is a cornerstone moment for Maldraxxus.
Your name will be remembered, Maw Walker. I look forward to the tales that will follow.
Gossip <Give Draka a moment with Thrall.>
Baroness Draka says: I knew who you were the moment I saw you. Do you really think I wouldn't recognize Durotan's eyes?
Baroness Draka says: You were but a babe when I died. Tell me, who have you grown to be?
Thrall says: I was once Warchief of the Horde, a shaman of the Earthen Ring--
Baroness Draka says: That is who you were. Who are you now?
Thrall says: I... am uncertain. Much has happened in my life. I do not know where it will lead next.
Baroness Draka says: A lesson, then. Not from mother to child, but from one similar soul to another. Remember who you were, but take pride in who you are.
Baroness Draka says: I once thought death was the end. But now, as a warrior of Maldraxxus, I see that it was only the beginning.
Baroness Draka says: It brings me joy to see how far you have come. And I know you have much farther to go.
Thrall says: Thank you... mother. I will make you proud.
Baroness Draka says: Come. I wish to know more of your life. All of it.
On completion
The Primus says: Vyraz has answered for his treachery. The houses of Maldraxxus stand united once more.
The Primus says: With a shared purpose before us, I will reforge the sigil of the necrolords. It shall be entrusted to Draka until I have need of it.


  1. N [60] The Chains of Command
  2. N [60] Gates of the Damned, N [60] Clip Their Wings, N [60] Weapon in Hand
  3. N [60] A Job Done Right
  4. N [60] Bending Bars
  5. N [60] What Maldraxxus Does Best, N [60] Forsworn and Forgotten
  6. N [60] A Traitor's Due
  7. N [60] Victory in Our Name
  8. N [60] Filling an Empty Throne (Necrolords only)
  9. N [60] The Roads We Walk (Necrolords only)

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