Warlord Goretooth

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Not to be confused with Goretooth.
HordeWarlord Lunk Goretooth
Image of Warlord Lunk Goretooth
Title <Kargath Expeditionary Force>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 60
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kargath Expeditionary Force
Location Blackrock Depths
Status Alive
Warlord Goretooth

Warlord Goretooth in World of Warcraft.

Warlord Goretooth (Classic)

Goretooth in Classic.

Warlord Lunk Goretooth[1] is an orc quest giver located in Blackrock Depths.

Before the Cataclysm, he could be found in Kargath in Badlands.

While in the Badlands he would sometimes dispatch the Kargath Expeditionary Force led by Thal'trak Proudtusk, then turn to Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania and Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave at the bonfire, flirting with them. He would then return to his post on the watch tower.




<Goretooth spits.>

I am a warrior of the Horde, <name>. It fills me with rage to know that our enemies sit in a fortress, less than a day's ride from Kargath, plotting against us.

How I long to break free from the bonds of duty and destroy them all in the name of the Warchief.

Alas, we all have roles we must fulfill.

Gossip What roles?

Truly, I envy you: To battle in the name of the Horde, at the forefront of conflict. Mine is a job of command.

Certainly, in my youth, I lived out the dreams that make my old age bearable. I now revel in the glory of victory, the bitter taste of defeat - all through the soldiers I command.

Gossip Dreams?

I dream, <name>... oh yes, I dream. In my dreams I die a thousand times in a thousand different ways. Some would call dreams such as mine nightmares. NOT I! In dreams I die in the thick of battle. For each single death of my own, ten thousand enemies of the Horde fall before me. It is glorious!

Gossip I pray for such things.

Aye, I could tell just by looking at you, <name>. You remind me very much of myself as a young warrior of the Horde.

You will undoubtedly go far in life and even further in death.

<Goretooth salutes.>

Gossip I do not deserve such praise, Warlord Goretooth.

And modest too... Perhaps it is your time, then, <name>.

Are you prepared to enter the fortress of the Blackrock orcs? To wreak havoc? To tear asunder the foundation of the mountain citadel?

Gossip Sir! Until my body ceases to function!

I did not doubt you for even one second, <name>.

Here are your orders, <name>. I know that you will not let me down.

Gossip Yes, sir. Thank you, sir!

Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania says: Oh, it's just terribly, terribly awful! You will just DIE when you see it, Vivian.
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave says: Oh, do tell! The suspense alone is enough to make a girl scream!
Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania says: Well, from what I hear, the new plague has ALL of the old plague flavor but none of the old plague calories or carbohydrates!
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave claps excitedly.
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave says: Oh, how positively delightful!
Warlord Goretooth says: Well hello there ladies. Heard about the new plague?
Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania says: Ewwwww... not if you were the last orc on Kalimdor, Lunk.
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave blushes.
Warlord Goretooth laughs.
Warlord Goretooth says: Ah, look at the time! I must return to my post... up over there.
Warlord Goretooth says: If you'll excuse me, I must take my leave. Good day, ladies.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Hierophant Theodora Mulvadania: Ewwwww... not if you were the last orc on Kalimdor, Lunk.

External links[]

Blackrock Depths Badlands