Warlord Parjesh

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
BossWarlord Parjesh
Image of Warlord Parjesh
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Resource Rage
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hatecoil
Location Hatecoil Encampment, Eye of Azshara
Status Killable
Eye of Azshara

Warlord Parjesh
Lady Hatecoil
King Deepbeard
Wrath of Azshara


Warlord Parjesh is a naga boss located at the Hatecoil Encampment in Eye of Azshara. After the shards of the Inv misc enchantedpearl [Tidestone of Golganneth] were collected by a brave hero, Parjesh and Athissa stole it and tried to bring it to Queen Azshara.

As a top warlord, Parjesh wears the grandest armor the naga can produce, his hauberk being one of legend.[1]

Adventure Guide[]

This fierce commander oversees the military might of the naga that have overrun Azsuna in search of the Tidestone of Golgonnath.[sic] He is second only to Athissa among the Hatecoil, and commands obedience with an equal measure of fear and respect.


Warlord Parjesh calls in reinforcements to assist him in combat and hurls an Impaling Spear, striking the first target in a line and inflicting massive damage.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Position yourself behind naga reinforcements when Impaling Spear is being thrown to avoid being pinned.
  • Kill enemy naga summoned by Call Reinforcements.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Position yourself behind naga reinforcements when Impaling Spear is being thrown to avoid being pinned.
  • If an ally is struck by Impaling Spear, that player will require increased healing.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Position yourself behind naga reinforcements when Impaling Spear is being thrown to avoid being pinned.
  • Gain threat on Hatecoil Shellbreakers when Call Reinforcements is cast.



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Item Type
Ability warrior bloodbath [Bloodied Spearhead] (H · M) Blood relic
Inv helm leather legionendgame c 01 [Brinewashed Leather Cowl] (H · M) Leather helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 11b [Hatecoil Commander's Amulet] (H · M) Necklace
Inv shoulder cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Shoulderpads of Crashing Waves] (H · M) Cloth shoulders
Inv chest plate legionendgame c 01 [Coralplate Chestguard] (H · M) Plate chest
Inv bracer mail legiondungeon c 01 [Crestrider Conduit Bracers] (H · M) Mail bracers
Inv glove cloth legionendgame c 01 [Seawitch Gloves] (H · M) Cloth gloves
Inv belt plate legiondungeon c 01 [Roaring Shellbreaker Greatbelt] (H · M) Plate belt
Inv belt mail legionendgame c 01 [Sea Stalker's Cinch] (H · M) Mail belt
Inv boot leather legiondungeon c 01 [Shellshock Footguards] (H · M) Leather boots
Inv 7 0raid trinket 010a [Parjesh's Medallion] (H · M) Tank trinket



Guardians of the ritual, prepare yourselves! She will not be disappointed!
Hmph. Intruders. They will not get far.
Ah, we meet again, weakling. Now it's just you and me... and my guards!
Call reinforcements
  • Sssssth! Hatecoil, crush their bodies!
  • Hatecoil, drown them out!
Impaling Spear hitting his minions
  • Fools! Get out of the way!
  • Useless. All of you!
Ha, nowhere to hide!
Killed a player
  • Get my point?
  • Like fish in a net.
  • That was for Athissa!
  • Unworthy of my time.
You can't stop... the storm...


  • In early Legion alpha, his adventure guide description read: "Commander to the Hatecoil naga, Warlord Parjesh stands as a first line of defense against invaders."
  • Parjesh is voiced by Dave Mallow.
  • His aggro quote is a quote from the film Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Patch changes[]


External links[]