We Need Each Other

  • ️Tue Oct 13 2020
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  • The in-game information in this article is kept purely for historical purposes.
HordeWe Need Each Other
Start Princess Talanji
End Princess Talanji
Level 110-120 (Requires 110)
Category Zuldazar
Experience 1,650
Reputation +150 Zandalari Empire
Rewards Horde Inv helm cloth zandalardungeon c 01 [Welcome to Zandalar]

1g 94s

Shareable Yes
Previous H [110-120] To Matters at Hand
Next H [20-60] Nazmir, H [30-60] Vol'dun, or H [10-60] Zuldazar


Listen to Princess Talanji.


My father believes he is indulging me. He has ruled for two hundred years, many lifetimes of trolls. In his mind, de threats dat face our kingdom are minor.

I have seen too much to believe dat.

So since my father and his advisors would not help, I turned to someone who would.

Your warchief needs our fleet, and I need her champions. So here is what we need to do.


You will receive:


Make your choice when you are ready.


On acceptance, a short cutscene plays as Talanji provides a brief introduction of the three zones' storylines:

Princess Talanji says: Time is short, so I will be brief. I plan to lead an expedition into de swamps of Nazmir to deal with de threat to our northern border.
Princess Talanji says: However, if you want our navy, you need de support of my father here in Zuldazar. His advisors plot against you.
Princess Talanji says: And den there are de schemes of Jakra'zet in de deserts of Vol'dun. I have no doubt he is as big a threat to de Horde as he is to my people.
Princess Talanji says: We cannot be in all places at once. I leave it to you to choose your priority. Review your maps and decide which plan you will see to first.

It is possible to replay the cutscene.

Gossip Can you repeat the plan?

Interact with the Scouting Map to view the three scouting reports. Pick one to start that zone's storyline:

H [20-60] Nazmir
Journey with Princess Talanji to the dark swamps of Nazmir to put an end to the threat of the blood trolls.
H [30-60] Vol'dun
General Jakra'zet's secrets lie somewhere in the sands. Head into the dunes and recover proof that will help remove him from power.
H [10-60] Zuldazar
Earn the trust of King Rastakhan and the Zanchuli Council.

This concludes the introduction to Zandalar and the Battle for Azeroth intro experience. Next, Nathanos Blightcaller offers H [35-59] The War Campaign, and get started on the chosen zone storyline.


  1. H [110-120] Hour of Reckoning
  2. H [10-50] The Battle for Lordaeron
  3. H [110-120] A Dying World
  4. N [50] The Heart of Azeroth
  5. N [50] Infusing the Heart
  6. H [110-120] The Speaker's Imperative
  7. H [10-60] Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement
  8. H [10-60] The Stormwind Extraction
  9. H [10-60] Welcome to Zuldazar
  10. H [10-60] Rastakhan
  11. H [10-60] Speaker of the Horde
  12. H [110-120] To Matters at Hand
  13. H [110-120] We Need Each Other

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