Wings Over Highbank

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceWings Over Highbank
Start Thordun Hammerblow [67.7, 66.0]
End Kurdran Wildhammer [79.1, 78.3]
Level 30-35
Category Twilight Highlands
Reputation +25 Wildhammer clan
Rewards 6g 57s 50c
Previous A [30-35] Roots'll Do 'Er
Next A [30-35] Any Portal in a Storm, A [30-35] The Perfect Poultice


Speak with Thordun Hammerblow and fly together back to Highbank.

  • Thordun Hammerblow Flown to Highbank


Aye, look! I think she's perkin' up already.

Okay, <Mr./Miss> Alliance fancy-pants <class>. Is that your base I see on the shore? "Highbank" you say. Can me and my bird hunker down there until she's better?

Hop on! We'll fly together back to Highbank!


You will receive: 6g 57s 50c (at max level)


What's the news from the peninsula, <name>?


Well done, <name>! Aiding that downed gryphon-rider has given us our first contact with the old Wildhammer clans. We'll be able to find out who's still left, and in what numbers.

Our campaign is looking up!


Speak with him again:

Well then. Ready to fly?

Gossip I'm ready. Let's go!

Thordun Hammerblow says: Hop abord, <name>. Let's move!
Thordun directs Lightning back over the middle of the shores bearing back to Highperch.
Thordun Hammerblow says: I hope you Alliance are here to give them Dragonmaw Orcs a good thumpin'.
Thordun circles the keep, landing in the courtyard.
Thordun Hammerblow says: You've got quite the setup here, friend. Come with me while I find out who's in charge.
Thordun runs in the keep, heading back to the back.
Thordun Hammerblow says: Stuff me like a haggis! Kurdran Wildhammer - in the flesh. He lives!
Kurdran Wildhammer says: Aye, friend. How fare the Wildhammer clans? We've much to discuss!


  1. A [30-35] Welcome to Highbank!
  2. A [30-35] Burnin' at Both Ends
  3. A [30-35] Aiming High
  4. A [30-35] Kurdran's Waitin'
  5. A [30-35] Our Boys on the Shore
  6. A [30-35] Landgrab & A [30-35] Scouting the Shore
  7. A [30-35] Bird Down! Bird Down!
  8. A [30-35] Roots'll Do 'Er
  9. A [30-35] Wings Over Highbank
  10. A [30-35] Any Portal in a Storm
  11. A [30-35] The Way is Open

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