Winterfall tribe

MobWinterfall tribe
Winterfall Village

Winterfall Village

Main leader IconSmall DireFurbolg Grolnar the Berserk
  Formerly IconSmall Furbolg High Chief Winterfall
Race(s) Furbolg Furbolg
Capital Winterfall Village
Other major settlements Timbermaw Post
Theater of operations Winterspring
Language(s) Furbolg
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Winterfall tribe of furbolgs inhabit the snowy mountains of Winterspring. Adapted to their environment, most of them have white fur, though some also have brown fur like other tribes. Their largest settlement is Winterfall Village in the far east of Winterspring, near Everlook, where their chieftain High Chief Winterfall once resided. They conquered Timbermaw Post in western Winterspring, and often travel to the hot springs nearby. They are allied with the Deadwood furbolgs of Felwood.[1][2]

Former allies of the Timbermaw tribe, they have grown increasingly aggressive to them and the other inhabitants of Winterspring. As Salfa explains, they are now at war, so killing Winterfall furbolgs will increase your reputation with Timbermaw Hold, as will turning in Inv jewelry amulet 05 [Winterfall Spirit Beads], that they carry to ward against foul spirits.[3] A dwarf named Donova Snowden needs some aid in researching the reasons for their hostility. The demon Xandivious corrupts them through the use of Inv potion 92 [Winterfall Firewater].[4]




In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The Winterfall clan is a corrupted furbolg clan based in Winterfall Village in Winterspring. The Timbermaws sought to help their corrupted cousins to no avail, and now brace themselves for the possibility of having to go to battle with their own kind.[5]
