Wrath of Azshara

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
BossWrath of Azshara
Image of Wrath of Azshara
Race Arcanamental (Elemental)
Level ?? Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Nazjatar Empire
Location Eye of Azshara
Status Killable
Eye of Azshara

Warlord Parjesh
Lady Hatecoil
King Deepbeard
Wrath of Azshara


The Wrath of Azshara is the last boss in Eye of Azshara. The Hatecoil created the Wrath of Azshara through the Inv misc enchantedpearl [Tidestone of Golganneth] after Parjesh's failure to repel the class orders. Lysande, one of Azshara's most loyal handmaidens so loved her Queen that she sacrificed herself to become vengeance incarnate, in order to protect her.[1] Her frozen soul now resides within the Item icecrownnecklaced [Frozen Soul Pendant], an ancient amulet that was created by the Queen herself, and which offers tremendous power to those who channel the power of frost.[2]

Adventure Guide[]

One of Azshara's most loyal handmaidens offered herself willingly to her Queen to serve as the instrument of her vengeance. Summoned by Hatecoil channelers as a last resort after Parjesh's failure, the terrifying Wrath of Azshara exists to wash away all landwalkers who would stand against her.


The Wrath of Azshara crushes Queen Azshara's enemies with fierce storms and arcane energy, seeking to wash away her foes. Avoid the dangerous weather hazards and watch out when the storm intensifies!

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Avoid being sucked into the air by moving away from Mystic Tornado when it spawns.
  • Move out of the detonation area of Arcane Bomb once it has been dispelled.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Avoid being sucked into the air by moving away from Mystic Tornado when it spawns.
  • Dispel Arcane Bomb from players so they can avoid its detonation.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Remain within melee range of the Wrath of Azshara to prevent it from using Raging Storms.
  • Avoid being sucked into the air by moving away from Mystic Tornado when it spawns.
  • Move out of the area while Massive Deluge is being cast.


  • Ability shawaterelemental split Massive Deluge Tank Alert — Inflicts 646000 to 714000 Frost damage to players in an area in front of the caster, knocking them away.
  • Ability monk rushingjadewind Mystic Tornado — Summons an arcane tornado nearby each player. Colliding with a tornado inflicts 240231 to 265519 Arcane damage and knocks players away.
  • Inv enchant essencearcanesmall Arcane Bomb Magic Effect — Causes a massive Arcane Bomb to fall onto a target player's location. When dispelled, the bomb no longer tracks the target, but continues to fall. Upon reaching the ground, Arcane Bomb inflicts 442711 to 489314 Arcane damage to players within 10 yds and stuns for 6 sec.
  • Ability shawaterelemental swirl Raging Storms Tank Alert — The Wrath of Azshara invokes the powers of a raging storm when no enemies are in melee combat, inflicting 140505 to 155295 Frost damage to all enemies and increasing Frost damage taken by 10% for 20 sec. This effect stacks.
  • Spell frost frozenorb Crushing Depths Heroic Difficulty Important — The Wrath of Azshara targets a player for a crushing detonation, inflicting 60% of their maximum health in Physical damage. This percentage is split among all players within 12 yds.
  • Spell shaman earthquake Heaving Sands Healer Alert — Melee attacks cause the ground the tremble, inflicting 44688 to 49392 Physical damage to all players.
  • Inv misc herb stormvine Cry of Wrath Important — The Wrath of Azshara empowers the weather at 10% health remaining, calling forth and vastly intensifying the destructive storm.
    • Ability druid galewinds Violent Winds — Violent Winds periodically blow through the cove, making it difficult to remain stationary.
    • Ability thunderking balllightning Lightning Strike — Lightning periodically strikes the ground, inflicting 153562 to 161438 Nature damage to enemies within 4 yards.
    • Spell shaman tidalwaves Tidal Wave — The Wrath of Azshara commands massive tidal waves, which inflict 192185 to 212415 Frost damage to all players within their path.

Elemental Resonance Heroic Difficulty[]

The Wrath of Azshara is a being of immense magical energy. Upon striking foes with magic, a lingering effect remains behind.

  • Spell arcane arcanetorrent Magic Resonance — Arcane and Nature damage from the Wrath of Azshara marks its target, increasing Arcane and Nature damage taken by 10% for 5 min. This effect stacks.
  • Spell deathknight pathoffrost Frost Resonance — Frost damage from the Wrath of Azshara marks its target, reducing movement speed by 5% for 5 min. This effect stacks.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.


Item Type
Spell warlock harvestoflife [Pact of Vengeful Service] (H · M) Life relic
Spell shadow soulleech 2 [Rage of the Tides] (H · M) Frost relic
Trade archaeology draeneirelic [Tempestbinder's Crystal] (H · M) Arcane relic
Inv helm plate legiondungeon c 01 [Casque of the Deep] (H · M) Plate helmet
Inv helmet mail legionendgame c 01 [Sea Stalker's Hood] (H · M) Mail helmet
Inv 7 0raid necklace 01d [Stormcharged Choker] (H · M) Necklace
Inv shoulder mail legiondungeon c 01 [Thundercrush Pauldrons] (H · M) Mail shoulders
Inv bracer leather legiondungeon c 01 [Cuffs of the Arcane Storm] (H · M) Leather bracers
Inv belt plate legionendgame c 01 [Coralplate Girdle] (H · M) Plate belt
Inv belt cloth legionendgame c 01 [Seawitch Cinch] (H · M) Cloth belt
Inv boot leather legionendgame c 01 [Brinewashed Leather Boots] (H · M) Leather boots
Inv boot cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Slippers of Martyrdom] (H · M) Cloth boots
Inv 70 dungeon ring6d [Band of Fused Coral] (H · M) Ring
Inv potion 156 [Bottled Hurricane] (H · M) Healing trinket

Objective of[]



Massive Deluge
Crushing Depths
Arcane Bomb
  • SEEK... MAGIC...
Cry of Wrath
Killed a player


  • The Wrath of Azshara was denounced by Aviana as a blasphemy of nature, and as an infusion of stolen arcane power that cannot be allowed to exist.[3]
  • In early Legion alpha, its adventure guide description read: "In an effort for revenge, Queen Azshara focused her profound magical prowess into a single arcane being. Maintained by the life magic of one of her loyal handmaidens, the mighty Wrath of Azshara exists to wash away all landwalkers who would stand against her."

Patch changes[]


External links[]

Mob Dungeon final bosses

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.