
  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
Image of Zandine
Title <Hunter Trainer>
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Location Rangers' Lodge, Silvermoon City[85, 28]
Status Alive

Zandine is a blood elf hunter trainer located in the Rangers' Lodge in Farstriders' Square in Silvermoon City. She also directs hunters to Ormak Grimshot for questing.

She was present in the Court of the Sun during the closing of the remembrance ceremony.[1]



Hunter gossip

It's a pleasure to see someone sane around here. How can I help you?

To non-hunters

We have little to discuss, <class>. Perhaps you should seek other, more like-minded individuals.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ H IconSmall BloodElf MaleIconSmall BloodElf Female [50-70] The Fall of the Sunwell

External links[]