
Image of Zuura
Gender Female
Race Orc
Affiliation(s) Frostwolf clan
Status Deceased[1]
Relative(s) Kelkar (mate)
Rhakish (father-in-law)
Draka & Lokra (daughters)
Durotan & Karg Bloodfury (sons-in-law)
Thrall (grandson), Durak & Rehze (great-grandchildren)
Durak family tree

Family tree.

Zuura, mate of Kelkar, was the mother of Draka,[2] making her the grandmother of Thrall. She and her family were exiled by Garad from a frostwolf village because of a Draka's sickness. She learned her how to scare talbuks. Years later, before a Kosh'harg celebration where Draka met Durotan, Kelkar and Zuura were forbidden to attend the celebration by Garad. When Draka left for the quest to obtain three ingredients, her parents were sad as they didn't expect her to return.

The exact time and reason of her death is not known.
