
  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
Swamp King Dred
Classification Dinosaur
Faction/Affiliation Independent, Zandalar tribe
Racial leader(s) IconSmall Devilsaur Devilsaur Queen (Un'Goro Crater)
IconSmall Devilsaur2 Oondasta (Isle of Giants)
IconSmall Rezan Rezan † (Zandalar)
Homeworld Azeroth
Environment Jungles, forests
Area(s) Un'Goro Crater, Sholazar Basin, Isle of Giants, Zandalar
Organization(s) Packs, solitary

Devilsaurs are huge, theropod dinosaurs found in varying numbers in Un'Goro Crater, Sholazar Basin and several islands in the South Seas, such as the Isle of Giants north of Pandaria and the islands near Zandalar. Isolated individuals can also be found in the Burning Steppes, Eco-Dome Farfield in Netherstorm and Drak'Tharon Keep in Zul'Drak.

Devilsaurs are among the largest predators to ever walk Azeroth. While most died out long ago, some thrive in isolated pockets to this day. There is much speculation about the purpose of the devilsaur's degenerate front arms. One theory is that they help devilsaurs rise to a standing position; another theory suggests that the arms titillate females. More observation is necessary.[1]

They are one of the most recognizable and unique creatures in World of Warcraft. All the devilsaurs in Un'Goro are elite and range from level 54-60, the largest being King Mosh. All members of the devilsaur family are a deadly threat to the unlucky person they come across. They can be skinned for Inv misc pelt 03 [Devilsaur Leather], used in the popular Devilsaur Set Tribal Leather Armor.

Xibala was the first of the devilsaurs, and mother to the loa Rezan, mother to all that came after. Her bones remain far to the south of Zandalar.[2]




As a hunter pet[]

Ferocity - Exotic
Inv misc food 18
Basic Special Exotic Bonus
Ability druid ferociousbite Inv misc bone 09 Ability racial cannibalize

Only hunters with the 51 point Ability hunter beastmastery [Exotic Beasts] talent will be able to tame these exotic beasts. They are extremely popular pets, mostly due to their Tyrannosaurus Rex likeness and looks.

Patch changes[]


  • The scent of blood is a reliable way to wake a devilsaur.[3]
  • An animated Ironhide Devilsaur avatar was formerly used as the profile picture of all Most Valuable Posters on the official World of Warcraft forums.
  • The appearance of the devilsaur is based on the Tyrannosaurus, a genus of theropod dinosaurs from the Cretaceous Period and arguably one of the most iconic of all dinosaurs.
  • Devilsaurs share some animations with raptors.
  • It is possible the earliest ancestors of the modern devilsaurs were nearly, around or even larger than 300 feet from head to tail.[4]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Devilsaur - Monster Guide

A devilsaur in the Monster Guide.

This giant lizard walks on two powerfully muscled hind legs. Two stunted, taloned forelimbs stretch out before it, and rows of bloodstained teeth fill its maw. The devilsaur takes its name from its vicious, relentless attacks, during which it utterly savages its victims to death. The devilsaur uses its bite to assault its prey, and its powerful hind legs and sheer size allow it to chase down almost any chosen prey. Despite the ferocity of this ill-tempered beast, hunters prize its extraordinarily tough but supple hide and often seek it out. Devilsaurs can grow to heights exceeding thirty feet and can weigh almost sixteen tons. Females tend to be smaller and lighter than males, but are even more aggressive. In a reversal of most creatures’ natural gender roles, a female devilsaur abandons her eggs as soon as she lays them; male devilsaurs can identify a clutch of eggs they've fathered by scent, and will protect that clutch until the eggs hatch. The devilsaur uses its intimidating speed to charge prey as soon as they are within range. It typically targets the smallest creatures in a pack first, closing its powerful jaws over them and lifting them off the ground. The devilsaur mauls its prey, biting and shaking until it or the enemy stops moving, swallows, and then moves on to the next target. Badly wounded devilsaurs have been known to flee, sometimes carrying opponents with them.[5]


  • King Mosh.

  • Grievous Bite.

  • A charged devilsaur.

  • A devilsaur egg.

    A devilsaur egg.

  • A newly-hatched devilsaur.

    A newly-hatched devilsaur.

  • King Krush as an adult in Hearthstone.

    King Krush as an adult in Hearthstone.

See also[]


External links[]

Creature group
Beast creatures







