Wombats on Tasmania's islands are one of three genetically unique subspecies: scientists

  • ️
  • ️Sun Apr 14 2019

Maria Island, off Tasmania's east coast, is famous for its wombats.

Key points:

  • Scientists have confirmed there are three subspecies of the common wombat in Australia
  • The Bass Strait Island subspecies is the smallest, while the mainland Australian subspecies is the largest
  • Maria Island wombats are free from mange, while the same subspecies on Flinders Island has been impacted by the disease

But now scientists have discovered the population of several thousand is part of a unique subspecies only found in one other place — Flinders Island, hundreds of kilometres away.

Researchers from the University of Tasmania (UTAS) have spent more than two years studying the genetic structure of three geographically isolated subspecies of wombats, including one on mainland Australia, a second in Tasmania, and a third on the Bass Strait Islands and Maria Island.

They found the groups are three genetically distinct subspecies.

While the three subspecies look similar, the Bass Strait Island wombat is the smallest of the three and has the lightest coloured fur, while the mainland Australian subspecies is the largest.

A headshot of senior lecturer Scott Carver from the University of Tasmania, on Maria Island.

Scott Carver said there is no record of the three subspecies ever being mixed. (ABC News: Carla Howarth )

UTAS wildlife ecology lecturer Scott Carver said researchers hoped that by studying the genetic structure of the marsupial — also known as the bare-nosed or coarse-haired wombat — they could help conserve the species.

"The Bass Strait subspecies of wombat previously occurred quite widely,"

he said.

"It was on Flinders Island, King Island, Cape Barren Island and some of the other islands as well, and now they've gone extinct on all of those except for Flinders Island.

"So our discovery on Maria that they are all descended from Flinders Island wombats is a really positive conservation story. It basically means that there's many more of that subspecies now than we previously thought."

Mr Carver said there were now thousands of wombats on Maria Island.

"In 1971, there were a lot of introductions of wildlife to Maria Island and they introduced somewhere between 20 and 30 wombats from Flinders Island here," he said.

"There were reports of wombats occurring on Maria historically prior to 1970, but the reports were a little bit mixed about whether they were there or not, and whether they had disappeared prior to that introduction in the 1970s."

A pale, young wombat gets close to the camera.

Maria Island has a healthy mange-free population of wombats. (ABC Open contributor Lucy Champion)

Maria a mange-free haven

Maria Island is free from wombat mange, which has affected all three subspecies, including those on Flinders Island and in Narawntapu National Park in Tasmania's north, where it is believed less than 10 wombats remain.

The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) have recorded an increase in the number of wombats in Tasmania over the last 30 years.

Mr Carver said their research was positive for the future of the wombats.

"It means that we can start thinking about how we manage these subspecies, and whether we manage them separately or collectively," he said.

"They've never been mixed as far as we're aware, so we don't really know whether they would co-exist with one another or they would interbreed.

"There have been some suggestions to introduce wombats to Narawntapu, but our research suggests that it wouldn't be a good idea to introduce wombats from Maria Island because they're a different subspecies."

Wild wombat with mange

DPIPWE says mange has affected Tasmanian wombats for over 100 years. (ABC News: Natalie Whiting)

UTAS lecturer Chris Burridge said it was a surprise to find the three populations of wombat were genetically unique.

"We see variations of marsupial species that are distributed around mainland Australia, but when people have looked at them genetically, they're often very similar," Dr Burridge said.

"Our knowledge of wombats and their genetic differences is important for management.

"So we now know we have these three genetically different groups of wombats, and they should therefore be maintained and preserved into the future."

Rosemary Gales from DPIPWE said the department tried to manage different subspecies separately.

"So knowing that the wombats on Maria Island and Flinders Island are the same, but quite different to mainland Tasmania, helps us understand and most effectively manage wombats," she said.

"We'll manage the Maria Island wombats the same as we manage the Flinders Island ones.

"We wouldn't, for example, translocate the animals from Maria Island to mainland Tasmania now that we've confirmed that they are different."

A wombat asleep on the ground, surrounded by trees, on Maria Island off Tasmania's east coast.

The Bass Strait Island subspecies is smaller than its mainland counterpart. (ABC News: Carla Howarth )