
2001 Waverley (A), Census All persons QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics


demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment

Demographics & education

People Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Total 58,769 -- 18,769,249 --
Male 28,454 48.4 9,270,466 49.4
Female 30,315 51.6 9,498,783 50.6
 null  null  null  null  null
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 199 0.3 410,003 2.2

On Census Night 7th August 2001, 58,769 people were counted in Waverley (A): of these 48.4% were male and 51.6% were female. Of the total population 0.3% were Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
0-4 years 3,040 5.2 1,243,969 6.6
5-14 years 5,128 8.7 2,668,506 14.2
15-24 years 7,123 12.1 2,566,346 13.7
25-54 years 30,699 52.2 8,159,808 43.5
55-64 years 4,789 8.1 1,759,742 9.4
65 years and over 7,990 13.6 2,370,878 12.6

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A) there were 8,168 children aged 0-14 years and 12,779 people aged 55 years and over.

Selected characteristics Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Australian citizenship 44,438 75.6 16,559,774 88.2
People born overseas 21,998 37.4 4,105,444 21.9
Overseas visitors (excluded from people counts) 1,906 3.1 203,101 1.1

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A), 44,438 people were Australian citizens, 21,998 were born overseas and 1,906 people were overseas visitors.

Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Married 19,268 38.1 7,635,947 51.4
Separated or divorced 5,569 11.0 1,609,314 10.8
Widowed 3,184 6.3 919,904 6.2
Never married 22,582 44.6 4,691,609 31.6

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A), 38.1% of people aged 15 years and over were married, 11.0% were separated or divorced, 6.3% were widowed and 44.6% were never married.

Cultural & language diversity

Country of birth Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Australia 30,275 51.5 13,629,481 72.6
Other top responses:  null  null  null  null
England 3,538 6.0 847,365 4.5
South Africa 2,075 3.5 79,425 0.4
New Zealand 2,054 3.5 355,765 1.9
Ireland 851 1.4 50,235 0.3
Hungary 789 1.3 22,752 0.1

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A), 51.5% of people stated they were born in Australia. Other common responses for country of birth within Waverley (A) were England 6.0%, South Africa 3.5%, New Zealand 3.5%, Ireland 1.4% and Hungary 1.3%.

Religious affiliation, top responses Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Catholic 13,440 22.9 5,001,624 26.6
No Religion 9,947 16.9 2,905,993 15.5
Judaism 9,464 16.1 83,993 0.4
Anglican 7,944 13.5 3,881,162 20.7
Orthodox 1,761 3.0 529,444 2.8

Of all people counted in Waverley (A) on Census Night 2001, the most common responses for religious affiliation were Catholic 22.9%, No Religion 16.9%, Judaism 16.1%, Anglican 13.5% and Orthodox 3.0%.

Language, top responses (other than English) Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Russian 1,883 3.2 34,790 0.2
Italian 868 1.5 353,605 1.9
Greek 800 1.4 263,717 1.4
Hungarian 772 1.3 24,485 0.1
Hebrew 700 1.2 5,947 0.0
 null  null  null  null  null
English only spoken at home 41,205 70.1 15,013,965 80.0

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A), the most common responses for languages other than English spoken at home were Russian 3.2%, Italian 1.5%, Greek 1.4%, Hungarian 1.3% and Hebrew 1.2%. English was stated as the only language spoken at home by 70.1% of people counted.


People aged 15 years and over
Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Worked full-time 21,574 65.8 5,360,693 59.8
Worked part-time 8,855 27.0 2,689,709 30.0
Hours worked not stated 745 2.3 248,204 2.8
Unemployed 1,599 4.9 660,709 7.4
Not in the labour force 13,039 -- 5,265,426 --
Total in labour force (includes employed and unemployed people) 32,773 -- 8,959,315 --

View the labour force fact sheet

During the week prior to Census Night 2001, 32,773 people aged 15 years and over in Waverley (A) were in the labour force. Of these 65.8% worked full-time, 27.0% worked part-time, 2.3% were employed but did not state their hours worked and 4.9% were unemployed. 13,039 people were not in the labour force.

Employed people aged 15 years and over
Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Professionals 9,990 19.7 1,514,096 10.2
Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers 4,731 9.3 1,366,701 9.2
Associate Professionals 4,345 8.6 975,653 6.6
Managers and Administrators 3,647 7.2 764,823 5.1
Tradespersons and Related Workers 2,286 4.5 1,018,903 6.9
Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers 2,237 4.4 792,378 5.3
Advanced Clerical and Service Workers 1,472 2.9 309,968 2.1
Labourers and Related Workers 1,033 2.0 717,457 4.8
Intermediate Production and Transport Workers 879 1.7 670,821 4.5

On Census Night 2001 in Waverley (A), the most common responses for occupation were Professionals 19.7%, Intermediate Clerical, Sales and Service Workers 9.3%, Associate Professionals 8.6%, Managers and Administrators 7.2%, Tradespersons and Related Workers 4.5%, Elementary Clerical, Sales and Service Workers 4.4%, Advanced Clerical and Service Workers 2.9%, Labourers and Related Workers 2.0% and Intermediate Production and Transport Workers 1.7%.

Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Waverley (A) % Waverley (A) Australia % Australia
Business Services 5,830 11.5 795,439 5.4
Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants 2,216 4.4 410,589 2.8
Health Services 2,193 4.3 570,442 3.8
Education 2,136 4.2 595,398 4.0
Personal and Household Good Retailing 1,951 3.9 517,816 3.5

On Census Night 2001, of the employed people aged 15 years and over in Waverley (A), the most common responses for industry of employment included Business Services 11.5%, Accommodation, Cafes and Restaurants 4.4%, Health Services 4.3%, Education 4.2% and Personal and Household Good Retailing 3.9%.