
2011 Meridan Plains, Census All persons QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics


demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment

Demographics & education

People Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Total 1,699 -- 4,332,739 -- 21,507,717 --
Male 792 46.6 2,148,221 49.6 10,634,013 49.4
Female 907 53.4 2,184,518 50.4 10,873,704 50.6
 null  null  null  null  null  null  null
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 6 0.4 155,825 3.6 548,369 2.5

In the 2011 Census, there were 1,699 people in Meridan Plains of these 46.6% were male and 53.4% were female. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people made up 0.4% of the population.

Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
0-4 years 140 8.2 297,893 6.9 1,421,050 6.6
5-9 years 125 7.4 286,989 6.6 1,351,921 6.3
10-14 years 121 7.1 290,982 6.7 1,371,054 6.4
15-19 years 62 3.6 293,917 6.8 1,405,798 6.5
20-24 years 53 3.1 293,845 6.8 1,460,673 6.8
25-29 years 103 6.1 300,709 6.9 1,513,236 7.0
30-34 years 125 7.4 286,697 6.6 1,453,775 6.8
35-39 years 134 7.9 308,180 7.1 1,520,138 7.1
40-44 years 118 6.9 312,567 7.2 1,542,879 7.2
45-49 years 65 3.8 302,744 7.0 1,504,142 7.0
50-54 years 59 3.5 288,140 6.7 1,447,404 6.7
55-59 years 51 3.0 257,962 6.0 1,297,244 6.0
60-64 years 93 5.5 243,125 5.6 1,206,116 5.6
65-69 years 135 7.9 185,758 4.3 919,319 4.3
70-74 years 127 7.5 136,885 3.2 708,090 3.3
75-79 years 109 6.4 99,572 2.3 545,263 2.5
80-84 years 54 3.2 76,971 1.8 436,936 2.0
85 years and over 25 1.5 69,801 1.6 402,681 1.9
Median age 39 -- 36 -- 37 --

The median age of people in Meridan Plains was 39 years. Children aged 0 - 14 years made up 22.6% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 26.7% of the population.

Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Married 857 64.9 1,655,245 47.9 8,461,114 48.7
Separated 31 2.3 114,427 3.3 529,280 3.0
Divorced 108 8.2 314,681 9.1 1,460,899 8.4
Widowed 74 5.6 173,469 5.0 949,634 5.5
Never married 251 19.0 1,199,054 34.7 5,962,769 34.3

Of people in Meridan Plains aged 15 years and over, 64.9% were married and 10.4% were either divorced or separated.

Median age by registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Married 55 -- 50 -- 50 --
Separated 53 -- 48 -- 49 --
Divorced 57 -- 54 -- 54 --
Widowed 75 -- 77 -- 78 --
Never married 25 -- 25 -- 25 --

The median age of married people in Meridan Plains was 55 years and the median age of people never married was 25 years.

Social marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Registered marriage 801 65.3 1,487,139 48.4 7,647,042 49.2
De facto marriage 142 11.6 342,988 11.2 1,476,369 9.5
Not married 283 23.1 1,239,440 40.4 6,413,399 41.3

In Meridan Plains, of people aged 15 years and over, 65.3% of people were in a registered marriage and 11.6% were in a de facto marriage.

Median age by social marital status
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Registered marriage 55 -- 50 -- 50 --
De facto marriage 33 -- 34 -- 35 --
Not married 44 -- 33 -- 33 --

The median age of people in a registered marriage in Meridan Plains was 55 years and the median age of people in a de facto marriage was 33 years.

Education Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Pre-school 36 8.5 50,615 3.9 332,844 5.1
Primary - Government 105 24.8 258,616 20.2 1,181,787 18.2
Primary - Catholic 16 3.8 72,713 5.7 359,062 5.5
Primary - Other Non Government 54 12.7 48,450 3.8 214,359 3.3
Secondary - Government 44 10.4 154,133 12.0 774,074 11.9
Secondary - Catholic 4 0.9 51,966 4.1 307,142 4.7
Secondary - Other Non Government 33 7.8 52,454 4.1 254,828 3.9
Technical or further education institution 15 3.5 79,238 6.2 473,606 7.3
University or tertiary institution 45 10.6 173,433 13.5 932,524 14.3
Other 7 1.7 28,841 2.2 161,660 2.5
Not Stated 65 15.3 311,791 24.3 1,511,694 23.2
Total 424 -- 1,282,250 -- 6,503,580 --

In Meridan Plains 24.9% of people were attending an educational institution. Of these, 41.2% were in primary school, 18.8% in secondary school and 14.6% in a tertiary or technical institution.

Cultural & language diversity

Ancestry, top responses Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
English 802 35.2 1,629,463 28.1 7,238,533 25.9
Australian 699 30.7 1,587,992 27.4 7,098,486 25.4
Scottish 204 9.0 421,004 7.3 1,792,622 6.4
Irish 174 7.6 484,929 8.4 2,087,758 7.5
German 61 2.7 270,890 4.7 898,674 3.2

The most common ancestries in Meridan Plains were English 35.2%, Australian 30.7%, Scottish 9.0%, Irish 7.6% and German 2.7%.

Country of birth Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Australia 1,234 72.7 3,192,114 73.7 15,017,847 69.8
Other top responses:  null  null  null  null  null  null
England 202 11.9 179,496 4.1 911,593 4.2
New Zealand 83 4.9 192,036 4.4 483,398 2.2
Scotland 24 1.4 24,059 0.6 133,432 0.6
Netherlands 19 1.1 14,987 0.3 76,046 0.4
Germany 12 0.7 21,029 0.5 108,002 0.5

In Meridan Plains, 72.7% of people were born in Australia. The most common countries of birth were England 11.9%, New Zealand 4.9%, Scotland 1.4%, Netherlands 1.1% and Germany 0.7%.

Birthplace of parents, stated responses Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Both parents born overseas 461 28.1 1,057,879 26.3 6,876,586 34.3
Father only born overseas 123 7.5 282,588 7.0 1,407,270 7.0
Mother only born overseas 97 5.9 210,570 5.2 989,220 4.9
Both parents born in Australia 962 58.6 2,471,958 61.4 10,757,087 53.7

In Meridan Plains, 58.6% of people had both parents born in Australia and 28.1% of people had both parents born overseas.

Religious affiliation, top responses Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Anglican 435 25.6 817,834 18.9 3,679,907 17.1
No Religion 397 23.4 955,783 22.1 4,796,787 22.3
Catholic 322 18.9 1,032,928 23.8 5,439,268 25.3
Uniting Church 112 6.6 276,316 6.4 1,065,795 5.0
Presbyterian and Reformed 83 4.9 152,340 3.5 599,515 2.8

The most common responses for religion in Meridan Plains were Anglican 25.6%, No Religion 23.4%, Catholic 18.9%, Uniting Church 6.6% and Presbyterian and Reformed 4.9%.

Language, top responses (other than English) Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Dutch 11 0.6 7,844 0.2 37,248 0.2
Italian 7 0.4 21,710 0.5 299,834 1.4
German 4 0.2 16,351 0.4 80,371 0.4
French 4 0.2 9,889 0.2 57,740 0.3
Japanese 4 0.2 13,086 0.3 43,691 0.2
 null  null  null  null  null  null  null
English only spoken at home 1,616 95.2 3,675,957 84.8 16,509,291 76.8
Households where two or more languages are spoken 34 5.2 183,987 11.9 1,579,949 20.4

In Meridan Plains 95.2% of people only spoke English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Dutch 0.6%, Italian 0.4%, German 0.2%, French 0.2% and Japanese 0.2%.


People who reported being in the labour force, aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Worked full-time 394 57.5 1,302,955 60.0 6,367,554 59.7
Worked part-time 211 30.8 611,296 28.2 3,062,976 28.7
Away from work 39 5.7 125,025 5.8 627,797 5.9
Unemployed 41 6.0 131,798 6.1 600,133 5.6
Total in labour force 685 -- 2,171,074 -- 10,658,460 --

There were 685 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in Meridan Plains. Of these 57.5% were employed full time, 30.8% were employed part-time and 6.0% were unemployed.

View the labour force fact sheet

Employment - hours worked
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
1-15 hours per week 69 10.7 211,872 10.4 1,087,799 10.8
16-24 hours per week 56 8.7 179,614 8.8 947,792 9.4
25-34 hours per week 84 13.0 219,806 10.8 1,027,380 10.2
35-39 hours per week 111 17.2 369,264 18.1 1,808,879 18.0
40 hours or more per week 287 44.5 933,696 45.8 4,558,678 45.3

Of employed people in Meridan Plains, 10.7% worked 1 to 15 hours, 8.7% worked 16 to 24 hours and 44.5% worked 40 hours or more.

Median age by employment status
Labour force, people aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Employed full-time 37 -- 40 -- 40 --
Employed part-time 39 -- 39 -- 40 --

The median age of people employed full-time in Meridan Plains was 37 years and for people who were employed part-time was 39 years.

Employed people aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Professionals 117 18.1 385,581 18.9 2,145,442 21.3
Clerical and Administrative Workers 106 16.4 299,326 14.7 1,483,558 14.7
Managers 97 15.0 245,606 12.0 1,293,970 12.9
Technicians and Trades Workers 97 15.0 304,563 14.9 1,425,146 14.2
Community and Personal Service Workers 66 10.2 202,978 10.0 971,897 9.7
Sales Workers 62 9.6 199,634 9.8 942,140 9.4
Labourers 56 8.7 215,235 10.6 947,608 9.4
Machinery Operators And Drivers 37 5.7 149,322 7.3 659,551 6.6

The most common occupations in Meridan Plains included Professionals 18.1%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 16.4%, Managers 15.0%, Technicians and Trades Workers 15.0%, Community and Personal Service Workers 10.2%, Sales Workers 9.6%, Labourers 8.7% and Machinery Operators And Drivers 5.7%.

Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
School Education 41 6.4 101,926 5.0 467,373 4.6
Hospitals 32 5.0 82,443 4.0 361,011 3.6
Cafes, Restaurants and Takeaway Food Services 23 3.6 84,805 4.2 412,804 4.1
Pharmaceutical and Other Store-Based Retailing 21 3.3 27,536 1.4 133,799 1.3
Supermarket and Grocery Stores 17 2.6 49,388 2.4 235,773 2.3

Of the employed people in Meridan Plains, the most common responses for industry of employment included School Education 6.4%, Hospitals 5.0%, Cafes, Restaurants and Takeaway Food Services 3.6%, Pharmaceutical and Other Store-Based Retailing 3.3% and Supermarket and Grocery Stores 2.6%.

Median weekly incomes
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Personal 501 -- 587 -- 577 --
Family 1,148 -- 1,453 -- 1,481 --
Household 940 -- 1,235 -- 1,234 --

The median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and over in Meridan Plains was $501.

View the income fact sheet

Travel to work, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Car, as driver 466 72.1 1,248,542 61.2 6,059,972 60.2
Car, as passenger 36 5.6 125,269 6.1 537,638 5.3
Walked only 12 1.9 75,560 3.7 377,043 3.7
Truck 10 1.5 25,605 1.3 104,746 1.0
Motorbike/scooter 7 1.1 19,100 0.9 64,342 0.6
 null  null  null  null  null  null  null
People who travelled to work by public transport 12 1.9 154,773 7.6 1,046,721 10.4
People who travelled to work by car as driver or passenger 497 77.3 1,378,983 67.6 6,620,840 65.8

In Meridan Plains, on the day of the Census, the most common methods of travel to work for employed people included Car, as driver 72.1%, Car, as passenger 5.6%, Walked only 1.9%, Truck 1.5% and Motorbike/scooter 1.1%. On the day, 1.9% of employed people used public transport (train, bus, ferry, tram/light rail) as at least one of their methods of travel to work and 77.3% used car (either as driver or as passenger).

Unpaid work
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Did unpaid domestic work (last week) 1,035 78.3 2,474,102 71.6 12,149,347 70.0
Cared for child/children (last two weeks) 434 32.9 986,298 28.5 4,827,808 27.8
Provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability (last two weeks) 130 9.8 353,373 10.2 1,896,957 10.9
Did voluntary work through an organisation or group (last 12 months) 240 18.2 645,543 18.7 3,090,874 17.8

In Meridan Plains, of people aged 15 years and over, 78.3% did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census. During the two weeks before the Census, 32.9% provided care for children and 9.8% assisted family members or others due to a disability, long term illness or problems related to old age. In the year before the Census, 18.2% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group.

Unpaid domestic work, number of hours
People aged 15 years and over
Meridan Plains % Meridan Plains Queensland % Queensland Australia % Australia
Less than 5 hours per week 250 18.9 772,078 22.3 3,883,357 22.4
5 to 14 hours per week 371 28.1 915,272 26.5 4,444,640 25.6
15 to 29 hours per week 232 17.6 425,045 12.3 2,075,154 12.0
30 hours or more per week 183 13.9 361,710 10.5 1,746,196 10.1

Of people who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census in Meridan Plains, 28.1% worked 5 to 14 hours, 17.6% worked 15 to 29 hours and 13.9% worked 30 hours or more.