
2016 North Adelaide, Census All persons QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics

Demographics & education

People tables are based on a person's place of usual residence on Census night

Persons count based on place of usual residence on Census night
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Male 3,392 48.7 825,997 49.3 11,546,638 49.3
Female 3,567 51.3 850,652 50.7 11,855,248 50.7
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 43 0.6 34,184 2.0 649,171 2.8

In the 2016 Census, there were 6,950 people in North Adelaide. Of these 48.7% were male and 51.3% were female. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people made up 0.6% of the population.

View the data quality statement for Place of Usual Residence (PURP)

Age North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Median age 37 -- 40 -- 38 --
0-4 years 166 2.4 97,072 5.8 1,464,779 6.3
5-9 years 162 2.3 100,466 6.0 1,502,646 6.4
10-14 years 154 2.2 95,461 5.7 1,397,183 6.0
15-19 years 574 8.3 100,686 6.0 1,421,595 6.1
20-24 years 988 14.2 107,986 6.4 1,566,793 6.7
25-29 years 720 10.4 107,361 6.4 1,664,602 7.1
30-34 years 549 7.9 110,751 6.6 1,703,847 7.3
35-39 years 334 4.8 102,818 6.1 1,561,679 6.7
40-44 years 303 4.4 106,650 6.4 1,583,257 6.8
45-49 years 343 4.9 113,619 6.8 1,581,455 6.8
50-54 years 440 6.3 113,272 6.8 1,523,551 6.5
55-59 years 365 5.2 111,896 6.7 1,454,332 6.2
60-64 years 401 5.8 102,028 6.1 1,299,397 5.6
65-69 years 475 6.8 96,286 5.7 1,188,999 5.1
70-74 years 341 4.9 72,563 4.3 887,716 3.8
75-79 years 257 3.7 53,885 3.2 652,657 2.8
80-84 years 136 2.0 39,374 2.3 460,549 2.0
85 years and over 247 3.6 44,479 2.7 486,842 2.1

The median age of people in North Adelaide was 37 years. Children aged 0 - 14 years made up 6.9% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 20.9% of the population.

View the data quality statement for Age (AGEP)

Registered marital status
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Married 2,235 34.4 659,638 47.7 9,148,218 48.1
Separated 153 2.4 44,199 3.2 608,059 3.2
Divorced 562 8.7 127,916 9.2 1,626,890 8.5
Widowed 349 5.4 83,281 6.0 985,204 5.2
Never married 3,190 49.2 468,621 33.9 6,668,910 35.0

Of people in North Adelaide aged 15 years and over, 34.4% were married and 11.0% were either divorced or separated.

View the data quality statement for Registered marital status (MSTP)

Social marital status
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Registered marriage 1,745 37.7 582,236 47.4 8,001,141 47.7
De facto marriage 588 12.7 126,020 10.3 1,751,731 10.4
Not married 2,300 49.6 520,539 42.4 7,024,973 41.9

In North Adelaide, of people aged 15 years and over, 37.7% of people were in a registered marriage and 12.7% were in a de facto marriage.

View the data quality statement for Social marital status (MDCP)

Education North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Preschool 47 1.7 20,292 4.2 347,621 4.8
Primary - Government 128 4.7 94,526 19.5 1,314,787 18.2
Primary - Catholic 21 0.8 26,196 5.4 380,604 5.3
Primary - other non Government 69 2.5 22,589 4.7 231,490 3.2
Secondary - Government 49 1.8 52,721 10.9 827,505 11.5
Secondary - Catholic 27 1.0 19,484 4.0 338,384 4.7
Secondary - other non Government 89 3.3 21,053 4.3 280,618 3.9
Technical or further education institution 93 3.4 31,394 6.5 424,869 5.9
University or tertiary institution 1,458 53.4 78,780 16.2 1,160,626 16.1
Other 46 1.7 11,501 2.4 198,383 2.8
Not stated 703 25.8 106,438 21.9 1,707,023 23.7

In North Adelaide 39.3% of people were attending an educational institution. Of these, 8.1% were in primary school, 5.9% in secondary school and 56.4% in a tertiary or technical institution.

View the data quality statement for Educational Institution Attendee Status (TYSTAP)

Level of highest educational attainment
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Bachelor Degree level and above 2,528 39.1 256,510 18.5 4,181,406 22.0
Advanced Diploma and Diploma level 483 7.5 115,102 8.3 1,687,893 8.9
Certificate level IV 91 1.4 42,793 3.1 551,767 2.9
Certificate level III 344 5.3 188,790 13.6 2,442,203 12.8
Year 12 1,495 23.1 214,813 15.5 2,994,097 15.7
Year 11 229 3.5 128,782 9.3 941,531 4.9
Year 10 189 2.9 138,607 10.0 2,054,331 10.8
Certificate level II 0 0.0 1,077 0.1 13,454 0.1
Certificate level I 0 0.0 174 0.0 2,176 0.0
Year 9 or below 128 2.0 119,572 8.6 1,529,897 8.0
No educational attainment 17 0.3 11,000 0.8 145,844 0.8
Not stated 820 12.7 129,257 9.3 1,974,794 10.4

Of people aged 15 and over in North Adelaide, 23.1% reported having completed Year 12 as their highest level of educational attainment, 6.8% had completed a Certificate III or IV and 7.5% had completed an Advanced Diploma or Diploma.

View the data quality statement for Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP)

Cultural & language diversity

Ancestry, top responses North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
English 2,386 25.5 639,350 28.5 7,852,224 25.0
Australian 1,860 19.9 560,374 25.0 7,298,243 23.3
Irish 691 7.4 134,437 6.0 2,388,058 7.6
Scottish 639 6.8 140,424 6.3 2,023,470 6.4
German 481 5.1 129,923 5.8 982,226 3.1

The most common ancestries in North Adelaide were English 25.5%, Australian 19.9%, Irish 7.4%, Scottish 6.8% and German 5.1%.

Respondents had the option of reporting up to two ancestries on their Census form, and this is captured by the Ancestry Multi Response (ANCP) variable used in this table. Therefore, the total responses count will not equal the persons count for this area. Calculated percentages represent a proportion of all responses from people in North Adelaide (including those who did not state an ancestry).

View the data quality statement for Ancestry (ANCP)

Country of birth North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Australia 4,213 60.7 1,192,546 71.1 15,614,835 66.7
Other top responses:  null  null  null  null  null  null
England 362 5.2 97,392 5.8 907,570 3.9
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 232 3.3 24,610 1.5 509,555 2.2
India 174 2.5 27,594 1.6 455,389 1.9
Malaysia 84 1.2 7,749 0.5 138,364 0.6
Italy 79 1.1 18,544 1.1 174,042 0.7

In North Adelaide, 60.7% of people were born in Australia. The most common countries of birth were England 5.2%, China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 3.3%, India 2.5%, Malaysia 1.2% and Italy 1.1%.

View the data quality statement for Country of birth (BPLP)

Country of birth of father and/or mother, stated responses North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Both parents born overseas 2,400 34.5 513,545 30.6 8,051,196 34.4
Father only born overseas 405 5.8 109,094 6.5 1,488,092 6.4
Mother only born overseas 349 5.0 79,405 4.7 1,094,591 4.7
Both parents born in Australia 3,064 44.0 869,207 51.8 11,070,538 47.3

In North Adelaide, 44.0% of people had both parents born in Australia and 34.5% of people had both parents born overseas.

View the data quality statement for Country of birth of father and/or mother (BPPP)

Country of birth of father, stated responses North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Australia 3,421 49.5 954,233 56.9 12,231,150 52.3
England 456 6.6 144,172 8.6 1,403,096 6.0
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 245 3.5 31,646 1.9 704,658 3.0
India 199 2.9 35,854 2.1 616,939 2.6
Italy 180 2.6 51,307 3.1 470,138 2.0

In North Adelaide, the most common countries of birth for male parents were Australia 49.5%, England 6.6%, China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 3.5%, India 2.9% and Italy 2.6%.

View the data quality statement for Country of birth of father (BPMP)

Country of birth of mother, stated responses North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Australia 3,487 50.1 985,020 58.7 12,643,365 54.0
England 456 6.6 140,701 8.4 1,302,147 5.6
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 250 3.6 31,453 1.9 699,074 3.0
India 201 2.9 35,249 2.1 605,777 2.6
Italy 161 2.3 43,864 2.6 395,775 1.7

In North Adelaide, the most common countries of birth for female parents were Australia 50.1%, England 6.6%, China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) 3.6%, India 2.9% and Italy 2.3%.

View the data quality statement for Country of birth of mother (BPFP)

Religious affiliation, top responses North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
No Religion, so described 2,573 37.1 594,313 35.4 6,933,708 29.6
Catholic 1,128 16.3 301,034 18.0 5,291,834 22.6
Not stated 930 13.4 150,215 9.0 2,238,735 9.6
Anglican 858 12.4 167,658 10.0 3,101,185 13.3
Uniting Church 278 4.0 118,229 7.1 870,183 3.7

The most common responses for religion in North Adelaide were No Religion, so described 37.1%, Catholic 16.3%, Not stated 13.4%, Anglican 12.4% and Uniting Church 4.0%. In North Adelaide, Christianity was the largest religious group reported overall (49.0%) (this figure excludes not stated responses).

View the data quality statement for Religious affiliation (RELP)

Language, top responses (other than English) North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Mandarin 274 3.9 28,780 1.7 596,711 2.5
Italian 115 1.7 29,106 1.7 271,597 1.2
Greek 105 1.5 22,993 1.4 237,588 1.0
Vietnamese 73 1.0 19,017 1.1 277,400 1.2
Hindi 64 0.9 7,310 0.4 159,652 0.7
 null  null  null  null  null  null  null
English only spoken at home 4,909 70.5 1,311,533 78.2 17,020,417 72.7
Households where a non English language is spoken 638 20.9 117,512 17.4 1,971,011 22.2

In North Adelaide 70.5% of people only spoke English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Mandarin 3.9%, Italian 1.7%, Greek 1.5%, Vietnamese 1.0% and Hindi 0.9%.

View the data quality statement for Language spoken at home (LANP)


People who reported being in the labour force, aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Worked full-time 1,959 54.4 435,110 53.9 6,623,065 57.7
Worked part-time 1,144 31.8 270,409 33.5 3,491,503 30.4
Away from work 199 5.5 40,582 5.0 569,276 5.0
Unemployed 298 8.3 60,488 7.5 787,452 6.9

There were 3,600 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in North Adelaide. Of these 54.4% were employed full time, 31.8% were employed part-time and 8.3% were unemployed.

The ABS Labour Force Survey provides the official estimates of Australia's unemployment rate. More information about Census and labour force status is provided in Understanding the Census and Census Data.

View the data quality statement for Labour force status (LFSP)

Employment - hours worked
Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
1-15 hours per week 544 16.4 95,282 12.8 1,218,823 11.4
16-24 hours per week 288 8.7 77,283 10.4 1,079,236 10.1
25-34 hours per week 322 9.7 97,844 13.1 1,193,445 11.2
35-39 hours per week 551 16.6 153,550 20.6 2,031,263 19.0
40 hours or more per week 1,405 42.4 281,566 37.7 4,591,801 43.0

Of employed people in North Adelaide, 16.4% worked 1 to 15 hours, 8.7% worked 16 to 24 hours and 42.4% worked 40 hours or more.

View the data quality statement for Hours worked (HRSP)

Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Professionals 1,298 39.3 151,091 20.3 2,370,966 22.2
Managers 521 15.8 94,075 12.6 1,390,047 13.0
Clerical and Administrative Workers 390 11.8 99,540 13.3 1,449,681 13.6
Community and Personal Service Workers 387 11.7 89,625 12.0 1,157,003 10.8
Sales Workers 272 8.2 71,761 9.6 1,000,955 9.4
Technicians and Trades Workers 197 6.0 100,142 13.4 1,447,414 13.5
Labourers 136 4.1 82,850 11.1 1,011,520 9.5
Machinery Operators and Drivers 61 1.8 45,515 6.1 670,106 6.3

The most common occupations in North Adelaide included Professionals 39.3%, Managers 15.8%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.8%, Community and Personal Service Workers 11.7%, Sales Workers 8.2%, Technicians and Trades Workers 6.0%, Labourers 4.1% and Machinery Operators and Drivers 1.8%.

View the data quality statement for Occupation (OCCP)

Industry of employment, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 211 6.7 30,463 4.1 411,808 3.9
Higher Education 169 5.3 11,187 1.5 155,985 1.5
Cafes and Restaurants 129 4.1 15,530 2.1 253,385 2.4
Legal Services 101 3.2 5,685 0.8 104,051 1.0
General Practice Medical Services 89 2.8 7,159 1.0 96,014 0.9

Of the employed people in North Adelaide, the most common responses for industry of employment included Hospitals (except Psychiatric Hospitals) 6.7%, Higher Education 5.3%, Cafes and Restaurants 4.1%, Legal Services 3.2% and General Practice Medical Services 2.8%.

View the data quality statement for Industry of employment (INDP)

Median weekly incomes
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Personal 779 -- 600 -- 662 --
Family 2,397 -- 1,510 -- 1,734 --
Household 1,693 -- 1,206 -- 1,438 --

The median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and over in North Adelaide was $779.

View the data quality statements for: Total personal income (INCP) Total family income (FINF) Total household income (HIND)

Travel to work, top responses
Employed people aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Car, as driver 1,508 46.0 492,357 66.0 6,574,571 61.5
Walked only 483 14.7 20,697 2.8 370,427 3.5
Bus 323 9.8 29,592 4.0 323,201 3.0
Worked at home 179 5.5 32,679 4.4 503,582 4.7
Car, as passenger 132 4.0 34,003 4.6 489,922 4.6
 null  null  null  null  null  null  null
People who travelled to work by public transport 374 11.3 53,457 7.2 1,225,668 11.5
People who travelled to work by car as driver or passenger 1,674 50.7 539,409 72.3 7,305,271 68.4

In North Adelaide, on the day of the Census, the most common methods of travel to work for employed people included Car, as driver 46.0%, Walked only 14.7%, Bus 9.8%, Worked at home 5.5% and Car, as passenger 4.0%. On the day, 11.3% of employed people used public transport (train, bus, ferry, tram/light rail) as at least one of their methods of travel to work and 50.7% used car (either as driver or as passenger).

View the data quality statement for Method of travel to work (MTWP)

Unpaid work
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Did unpaid domestic work (last week) 4,290 66.3 982,036 71.0 13,143,914 69.0
Cared for child/children (last two weeks) 988 15.3 380,737 27.5 5,259,400 27.6
Provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability (last two weeks) 603 9.3 168,496 12.2 2,145,203 11.3
Did voluntary work through an organisation or group (last 12 months) 1,813 28.0 295,670 21.4 3,620,726 19.0

In North Adelaide, of people aged 15 years and over, 66.3% did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census. During the two weeks before the Census, 15.3% provided care for children and 9.3% assisted family members or others due to a disability, long term illness or problems related to old age. In the year before the Census, 28.0% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group.

View the data quality statements for: Unpaid domestic work (DOMP) Unpaid child care (CHCAREP) Unpaid assistance (UNCAREP) Voluntary work (VOLWP)

Unpaid domestic work, number of hours
People aged 15 years and over
North Adelaide % North Adelaide South Australia % South Australia Australia % Australia
Less than 5 hours per week 1,856 28.7 299,651 21.7 4,298,593 22.6
5 to 14 hours per week 1,605 24.8 379,617 27.4 4,944,578 26.0
15 to 29 hours per week 559 8.6 174,791 12.6 2,189,776 11.5
30 hours or more per week 274 4.2 127,972 9.2 1,710,970 9.0

Of people who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census in North Adelaide, 24.8% worked 5 to 14 hours, 8.6% worked 15 to 29 hours and 4.2% worked 30 hours or more.

View the data quality statement for Unpaid domestic work, number of hours (DOMP)