「突厥「阿史那感徳墓誌」訳注考──唐羈縻支配下における突厥集団の性格──」『内陸アジア言語の研究』26, 2011, pp. 1-38.(The Study on the Epitaph of Ashina Gande 阿史那感徳 of the Türks (Tujue 突厥): The Characteristics of the Türks under the Loose Rein (Jimi羈縻) Control of Tang. In: Studies on the Inner
- ️https://teikyo-u.academia.edu/ShigeoSAITO
The Journal of Center for the Global Study of Cultural Heritage and Culture, 2017
The Saqqara archaeological area is a principal necropolis that holds considerable remains dating back from the First Dynasty of Egypt through the Byzantine Era. In the 20th century, archaeologists found a large number of private tombs in the Unis Cemetery, Saqqara. However, although archaeological surveys have been conducted in the area, the archaeological reports for the excavated tombs have not been fully published. Hence, despite the discovery of valuable evidence, research on the tombs has been insufficient. This paper considers the necessity of accurately documenting the remains that were fragmentarily reported through a study of the current situation at the tomb of Khenu, which is a Mastaba tomb located in the Unis Cemetery. It still bears elaborate inscriptions and characteristic reliefs that comprise both sunk and raised reliefs in good condition; nevertheless, previous research has scarcely addressed this tomb and has provided resources on only a part of the reliefs. Moreover, the dating of the tomb is uncertain because of the lack of published studies and the characteristic style seen on the relief that dates back from the end of the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom. To verify the dating, it is necessary to examine all inscriptions, reliefs, and architectural elements. This paper provides a brief introduction and translation of the unpublished materials, particularly concerning the false door of Khenu placed at the west wall in the chapel of the tomb. Further research and excavations should be conducted to release the details of the scarcely known remains, such as the tomb of Khenu.