Монеты Ольвии. -- Coins Olbia.

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Related papers

New Epigraphical Source from History of Money Circulation of Olbia. Нове епіграфічне джерело з історії грошового обігу Ольвії. Forum Numizmatyczne. 2021. №5. С.5-16. (In Ukrainian with English summary).

Forum Numizmatyczne, 2021

The aim of the study is a presentation of a new inscription from Olbia with a mention of golden staters. Research methodology – typical scientific methods in combination with the author’s own scientific work by synchronization of the eponyms catalogue IPE I2 201 (calendar) and Olbia’s prosopography: prosopographic reconstruction, prosopographic dating, prosopographic interpretation. A new type of epigraphic document from Olbia is published - an inscription on a lead plate mentioning the recovery of a debt or the award of a fine of twenty gold coins. Scientific studies in ancient numismatics involve not only the direct study of coins but also, in particular, epigraphic monuments, which for one reason or another mention coins. Regarding the geographical boundaries of our study – the Northern Black Sea Coast – mentions of money are reflected in a small group of monuments of lapidary, small (ceramic), and epistolary epigraphy. In general, the inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea coast, which mention money and its circulation, are relatively small. In addition, as a rule, each of these inscriptions becomes the subject of further discussions, interpretations and clarifications after its publication. This is evidenced by the presence of a large number of studies, which seem to accompany the above-mentioned inscriptions. Given the importance of such documents for the study, in particular, of monetary systems in the Northern Black Sea region, the aim of the article is to introduce into scientific circulation a new epigraphic monument on a lead plate, which mentions gold staters. It is known that inscriptions on lead plates of both epistolary and magical nature are ‘multilevel’, ie they directly contain such components as historical, chronological, onomastic, prosopographic, palaeographic, formulaic, philological, etc. Accordingly, the first publication of such an inscription, traditionally, can only claim to be a preliminary acquaintance with the monument and the formulation of questions that arise as a result ofits interpretation. A rectangular lead plate with dimensions 6.7 cm x 3.1 cm x 0.2 cm is introduced in science. The plate was found in Olbia in a folded state. Unfortunately, the archaeological context of its finding is lacking. Now it is stored in a private collection in Kherson. The paleogeographic feature of the inscription, first of all, is a combination of lunar and angular sigma in the text. At the same time, the use of either lunar or angular sigma has an accidental character. This is evidenced by the fact that the word χρυσοῦ, which occurs twice in the text, contains both sigmas. The paleographic features of the inscription, in particular the reduced size of the omicron and the presence of the lunar sigma determine the terminus post quem – 350. B.C. The four-line inscription is on the obverse. A large alpha letter is cast on the reverse. The text of the inscription reads: ‘To Polyxenus owed (or sentenced) twenty gold pieces, of which nine gold pieces are available’. Let us establish a relatively narrow dating of the plate through the performance of a prosopographic interpretation. The name of the historical person Πολύξενος is mentioned in the text. This Polyxenes is the father of three sons. One of them, Ἀθήναιος Πολυξένου, fulfilled the office of eponym of Olbia in 309 B.C. Polyxenes is a representative of a minor elite family of Polyxenes known earlier in Olbia. Accordingly, the prosopographic dating of the plate we study falls in the last third of the 4th century BC. The gold coins mentioned are probably staters of Macedonia. The plate has peculiarities. The reverse has the attributes of a personalized document - it bears a mark in the form of a large letter alpha. The letter probably refers to the name of a judge or debtor. This mark is made by casting in advance (before the inscription on the plate). By this time, only Y.G. Vinogradov published in 1994 two similar lead plates from Olbia with the respective markings on one of the sides (ΑΡΙ and ΝΙΚ). The researcher has left open the question about the interpretation of these letters and, in general, about the function of the plates with the letters (or tesserae, then pinnacion of dicast). So, optionally, we interpret the epigraphic monument of the last third of the 4th century BC as a bill of exchange or a court decision on the collection of twenty gold staters. The document concerns a citizen of Olbia named Polyxenes. He comes from a secondary elite family. The inscription under study is a new type of financial (or arbitration) documents from Olbia – either a judicial decision or a debt obligation. Inscription refers to gold coins, probably staters of Macedonia. Alternatively, the capital letter alpha on the reverse side of the plate indicates either the name of the judge or the name of the debtor. All in all, a more reliable interpretation of this document requires the publication of similar documents and related discussions.

Клад ольвийских монет из долины р. Кучурган: новая интерпретация //Treasure of Olbia coins from the valley of the Kuchurgan river: a new interpretation. Revista Arheologică, serie nouă, vol. XVIII, nr. 1, 2022, p. 34-41.


The reconstruction of the eponymous chronology of Olbia Pontike IV-I centuries BC allowed to solve a number of a chronological problems of lapidary, magic, ceramic epigraphy, and numismatics. In particular, in 2020 year it was established that the minting of “Borysphenes” lasted for about 110 years from 330 BC until 219-217 BC with significant interruptions. This article substantiates the hypothesis that in the interval between the minting of “Borysphenes” of the middle and junior groups, another copper was minted. The hoard from the valley of the Kuchurgan river is a purse reflecting the circulation of copper coins in the Olbian polis in 240 – the beginning of 230 BC., i.e., in the chronological interval between the issue of medium and small groups of “Borysphenes”. The “Borysphenes” of the middle groups, the “Demeter-Athene-arms” and the “Bearded Deity-Dolphin” coins contain legends associated with historical figures from the decree in honour of Protogenes – Protogenes himself, also, the priest-eponyms Herodoros, Pleistarchus and, probably, Formiones. The stamp “dolphin-star” on the “Borysphenes” was carried out from 240 BC until minting was completed in 219-217 BC. The limited amount of stamping (about 8.5% of “Borysphenes”) probably had a narrow aim – for instance, to recover debts at the special rate of 1:400 to Protogenes, Kleombrotus, etc. The “Demeter-Athene-arms” coins underwent a mass recoining of the “Helium-protome” type shortly after their issue in 240 BC.

Свинцовые культовые изделия из пригородных усадеб Ольвии

Старожитності степового Причорномор’я і Криму. Том XVIII, 2015

The article introduces lead bukranias, labrises and plates found in Pont Olbio estates of the IVth century BC, which were used in magical rites. Bukranias and labrises were used as amulets. Plates which did not have the inscription could be used as a spell by illiterate population. These plates combined the magic o f lead, word and the object which was damaged during a magical ritual.

Обоюдорельефный тяжелый ольвийский «дельфин» / Mutual-relief “dolphin” from Olbia

В статье публикуется уникальный анэпиграфный «дельфин» с высоким весом (84,8 г) и определяется его номинал – обол. «Дельфин» рассматривается как вотив Аполлону Дельфинию. The article publishes unique unepigraphic "dolphin" with high weight (84.8 g). Its face value is determined as obol. "Dolphin" is regarded as votive to Apollo Delphinius.

Global experience in the interpretation of the «problem» coin monograms of Olbia /Світовий досвід в інтерпретації «проблемних» монетних монограм Ольвії/The Ukrainian Numismatic Annual. 2024 (8)

Ukrainian Numismatic Annual, 2024

The purpose of the article is to check the possibility of applying global experience (selectively) to the interpretation of "problem" Olbian monograms (reductions). The topic is vast so we will consider only some episodes. The present article is a direct continuation of theoretical studies of legends (letters, abbreviations, and monograms) on coins of classical & Hellenistic times of Olbia. The theoretical and methodological background of the study is typical scientific methods, including system analysis, combined with the author's own research. In this case, the tools of prosopography research of coin legends proposed by us were used: directly, prosopography, inheritance of professional activity, ancestral inheritance of monograms, synthesis of numismatic classifications, and prosopography interpretations of legends on the chronological basis of the restored Olbian eponymous chronology, etc. Scientific novelty. In contrast to the onomastic interpretations performed by our predecessors devoid of historical context, we are publishing for the first time the results of the prosopography (historical) interpretation of a group of "problem" Olbian coin monograms (abbreviations) of the classical and Hellenistic times. Main results of the research. 1 New prosopography tools for the interpretation of coin monograms (reductions), which were built based on the restoration of the Olbian chronology of the IV-I centuries BC., proved to be quite effective; with their help, we have already received almost all the gains that were literally "lying on the surface". However, to get rid of the euphoria, we remind the reader that currently we still have too many completely undeciphered "problem" Olbian monograms (reductions), as well as monograms for which there is a high risk of interpretation; they are offered numerous, currently insurmountable alternative reading options. Accordingly, further advancement in the direction of interpretation of "problematic" monograms (reductions) implies the need to carry out individual studies of each of them, in particular, by taking into account the global experience; this is the main methodological conclusion from the conducted research; note that the need to apply this experience was practically not felt at the initial stage. 2. At one time, we proposed the main thesis that upon reaching the appropriate level of study of a specific urban community, prosopography becomes dominant in the study of monuments containing the names of local historical figures, in that case, in the form of fragments, as well as coin monograms (reductions). However, this thesis needs to be expanded, in particular, prosopography studies of local in the geographical sense of coin monograms (abbreviations) must necessarily take into account the global experience of the interpretation of similar monograms (reductions). However, the mechanical transfer of global experience is inadmissible; a critical rethinking of monograms (reductions) deciphered by researchers is mandatory. The Ukrainian Numismatic Annual. Issue 8. Kropyvnytskyi -Pereiaslav, 2024. ______________________________________________________________________________________ catalogue of Olbian coin monograms (reductions). The hypotheses formed in view of the complexity of the real processes in the coinage of Olbia should be considered as preliminary.