Афанасьев Г.Е., Вень Ш., Тун С., Ван Л., Вэй Л., Добровольская М.В., Коробов Д.С., Решетова И.К., Ли Х.. Хазарские конфедераты в бассейне Дона // Естественнонаучные методы исследования и парадигма современной археологии. М. 2015. С.146-153.
- ️https://archaeolog-ru.academia.edu/GennadyAfanasiev
Purpose: The article deals with the problem of the origin of the Daurs being one of the most important questions of the Mongolian peoples’ ethno-genesis. The object of the analysis is the orientation of interments and theancient funeral artefacts of the Vladimirovsk archeological culture (XIII-XVII centuries), which was pointed out in the upper and middle stream of Amur River. Results: First, the study of the interments’ orientation in the archeological cultures of the Lake Baikal Region, Mongolia and Inner Mongolia shows that the north-ward orientation of interments can hardly be a reliable evidence to correlate the Vladimirovsk culture with that of earlier Mongols. Most burial grounds oriented north-ward were left by the Mongolian-speaking population, although part of the burials belonged to the Tungus- and Turkish-speaking ethnic groups. A ram’s leg buried in the interment is characteristic for many nomadic cultures of the middle-century epoch in the Eurasian steppes. However, the ram’s bone found only in one interment of the Vladimirovsk culture can hardly be a reliable proof to identify the people of that culture with earlier Mongols. Then, the examination of the earrings in the form of the question mark brings about the finding that they were widely spread elsewhere in the vast territory from the Upper Amur to Izhorsk Plateau and the Northern Caucasus. That is why it is difficult to judge that question mark formed earrings prove to be a reliable criterion to identify the ethnic origin of the archeological cultures’ population. Afterwards, a limited number of ceramic ware is not also the characteristics of the closeness of the Vladimirovsk culture to that of the earlier Mongols. Mostly it was typical for the Vladimirovsk culture ceramic ware to have the features of the cultures of the Mohe, Parhae, Tang dynasty, Khitan. Additionally, one more sign of similarity with the earlier Mongols is likely to be the right side wrap over of the clothes of those buried. It does not seem to be convincing because there could have been the change of the wrap over. For example, the Manchurians did not retain their left side wrap over of their clothes, because they had rather quickly changed it from the left side to the right one. Finally, the predominance of the bone arrowheads over the iron ones does not also witness their closeness to the earlier Mongols, for they are similar to those belonging to the Mokhe culture. Besides, a complexly collapsible bow is like the artefacts of the Churchenian archeological culture of the Priamurye and it belongs to the weapons of the «Tungus» type. For instance, the trace of one of its elements, i.e. the ring used in archery, has been found among the XIX century artefacts of the Amur River Basin peoples. Based on the findings described, the author supposes that there, to the Priamurye, came a new mixed group of people distinct from the Mongols ethno-culturally. Conclusion: To sum it up, the research findings are as follows. Fist, the north-ward orientation of the corpses’ position in the Vladimirovsk archeological culture, considered to be the ethnic sign of the earlier Mongols, is widely spread in those of Transbaikalye, Mongolia and North-Eastern China. Second, an animal’s bone, put at the head of the burial ground, is an exceptional case in the Vladimirovsk culture. That is why, it cannot be used as a strong proof to correlate the Vladimirovsk culture with that of the earlier Mongols. Third, such things as the question mark form earrings, bone arrowheads, the absence of the ceramic ware and the right side clothes wrap over could not be also used as the reliable criterion to identify the ethnic closeness of the part of the Vladimirovsk culture as the earlier Mongols. The ancestors of the Daur people could have been the transitional groups close both to the earlier Mongols, and to the Tungus-Manchurian ethnic groups which were formed in the valley of Nonny River and the contiguous territories to Western Manchuria.
The article addresses the role of A. Kh. Khalikov in the development of archaeology in the Republic of Mari El and the development of the Bronze Age studies in Mari Volga region. A.Kh. Khalikov is one of the founders and the first Director of the Mari Archaeological Expedition. From the first years of its operation, excavations of the Bronze Age archaeological sites were one of the research priorities of the Mari Archaeological Expedition. The findings of the first ten years of the expedition allowed A. Kh. Khalikov to develop the concept of Cultural Genesis in the Middle Volga region in the Early Metal Age and Bronze Age, as well as to distinguish Chirki-Seyma Culture and Prikazan Culture of the Middle Volga region. He suggested that these cultures evolved on the local late Volosovo basis under a certain influence of Eastern – Trans-Urals migrants, connected with the Seyma-Turbino phenomenon, and Western influence, connected with the Abashevo, Balanovo and Atlikasy cultures from the Middle Volga. The development model of the Middle Volga region in the Bronze Age, proposed by A. Kh. Khalikov, is still relevant in terms of the actors and vectors of relations and cultural genesis. In view of the current available data, what is required now is to make some corrections to the chronological correlation of archaeological cultures and provide theoretical substantiation to the processes related to development of new cultural formations. Статья посвящена роли А.Х. Халикова в становлении археологической науки в Республике Марий Эл и изучении эпохи бронзы Марийского Поволжья. А.Х. Халиков является одним из основателей и первым руководителем Марийской археологической экспедиции. С первых лет ее работы одним из приоритетных направлений исследований стали раскопки памятников эпохи бронзы. Полученные в первые десять лет работы экспедиции данные позволили А.Х. Халикову разработать концепцию культурогенеза в Среднем Поволжье в эпоху бронзы и выделить чирковско-сейминскую и приказанскую культуры. Эти культуры, по мнению исследователя, сформировались на местной поздневолосовской основе при определенном воздействии культур мигрантов восточного – зауральского импульса, связанного с сейминско-турбинским феноменом, и западного – связанного со средневолжской абашевской, балановской и атликасинской культурами. Модель развития средневолжского региона в эпоху бронзы, предложенная А.Х. Халиковым, по сей день остается актуальной в отношении участников культурогенетического процесса, направления связей и вектора культурогенеза. С учетом современных данных, требуется лишь определенная корректировка хронологического соотношения археологических культур и теоретическое обоснование процессов, связанных формированием новых культурных образований.
Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Diversity in Khazar Burials from Southern Russia
Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Diversity in Khazar Burials from Southern Russia // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2021, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 477–488., 2021
Kornienko I.V., Faleevaa T. G., Schurre T. G., Aramovaa O. Yu., Ochir-Goryaeva M. A., Batieva E. F., Vdovchenkov E. V., Moshkov N. E., Kukanova V. V., Ivanov I. N., Sidorenkob Yu. S., Tatarinoval T. V. Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Diversity in Khazar Burials from Southern Russia // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2021, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 477–488. In this work, we analyzed the Y-chromosomes of nine skeletons recovered from elite burial mounds attributed to the 7th-9th centuries of the Khazar Khaganate in the modern Rostov region. Genotyping of polymorphic microsatellite loci of the Y chromosome made it possible to establish that among the nine skeletons studied, three individuals had R1a Y-haplogroup, two had C2b, and one each had G2a, N1a, Q, and R1b Y-haplogroups. Such results were noteworthy for the mixture of West Eurasian and East Asian paternal lineages in these samples. The Y-chromosome data are consistent with the results of the craniological study and genome-wide analysis of the same individuals in showing mixed genetic origins for the early medieval Khazar nobility. These findings are not surprising in light of the history of the Khazar Khaganate, which arose through its separation from the Western Turkic Khaganate and establishment in the North Caucasus and East European steppes.
DNA Phenotyping of Remains from Elite Burials of the Khazar Period of Southern Russia
D. O. Fesenko, O. Yu. Aramova, E. V. Vdovchenkov, I. D. Ivanovsky, O. E. Fesenko, S. A. Polyakova, T. G. Faleevaf, M. A. Filippova, V. S. Florinskaya, and I. V. Kornienko. Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, 2023, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 597–608., 2023
Ancient DNA analyses help to solve the problems related to the genogeographic origin and migration patterns of populations. The Khazar Khaganate is a subject of controversy among researchers. Its complex historical development, lack of a sufficient number of artistic and written sources, the disappearance of representatives of Khazar culture leaves open the question of the appearance of the Khazars. DNA phenotyping of bone remains from elite burials of the Khazar period of Southern Russia was carried out with respect to eye color, hair color, skin color, and AB0 blood groups. Eight out of 10 individuals had brown eyes, dark hair (to varying degrees), and a predominantly dark skin during their lifetime. Individuals from two burials had gray-blue eyes, and one individual had blond hair. The most probable AB0 blood group was identified in eight people, of which five blood group 0 (I) group, four had blood group A (II), and one had blood group B (III). The allele frequency distribution was assessed for ten population-specific autosomal markers and suggested high heterogeneity for the ethnogeographic origin of the Khazars examined. The results are evidence for ethnocultural, genetic, and phenotypic diversity of the Khazar Khaganate.
Сообщение об антропологических находках на палеолитическом местонахождении Туяна в Тункинской рифтовой долине (Юго-Западное Прибайкалье) // Report on Anthropological Finds on the Paleolithic Site Tuyana in the Tunka Rift Valley (Southwestern Cis-Baikal), 2017
Despite more than 100-year history of the study, in the Paleolithic of Baikal Siberia the human remains being are known only from the Malta site. They are represented by the burial of 2 children with dating ~24 ka cal BP and the tooth of an adult individual. In 2016, in the Tunka Valley (southwestern flank of the Baikal rift zone), an area of 5,000 m2 the Paleolithic Site Tuyana was excavated. In the redeposited strata of MIS 3, along with fauna remains, the Aurignacoid stone and bone industry, 10 fragmented bones of the human lower limbs were found. They were located in a compact cluster, with the exception of two fragments, removed at 10-12 m up the slope from the main group. The most interesting for study are the fragment of the tibia, the left cuboid bone with a large blind hole (possibly of artificial origin), a fragment of the distal phalanx of the first finger of the left foot and two fragments of calcaneal bones (one of them is gracile in appearance and could belong to a woman). Radiocarbon dates obtained from faunal remains from excavations in 2010–2011, allow us to determine the age of Tuyana archaeological complexes in the interval of ~41.9–30 ka cal BP. The dates for the two human bones give an even greater range. One of them was older than 49.7 ka cal BP, the other is dated by the period of 31.4–30.7 ka cal BP. Thus, their age as a whole can be determined within the framework of the Karga interstadial (MIS 3), where two stages are distinguished – early and late one. The C/Natomic indices for both samples are within the normal range, so we can talk about the correctness of the results. The data on the ratio of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes (13C/12C, 15N/14N) for a younger sample are generally close to those for a number of Upper Paleolithic anthropological finds in Siberia and Europe. The results obtained for the ancient human bone look ambiguous. The value of δ15N is equal to 5,1 ‰, and this is an unusually low indicator for the human body. At the moment it is difficult to say with what fact it is connected, as we did not have an opportunity to compare the data on this sample and the fauna complex of Tuyana (for lack of their absence in the known publications). We believe that most of the anthropological remains of Tuyana are related to the Aurignacoid complexes. In the near future, their study, obviously, will allow us to make significant adjustments to our understanding of the human development of Northern Asia in the Upper Pleistocene.
Excavated DNA from Two Khazar Burials
Advances in Anthropology, 2017
To understand a biological tribal affiliation (in terms of Y-chromosomal haplogroups, subclades, and haplotypes) of two excavated Khazar bone remains in the lower Don region in the south of Russia, we have extracted and analyzed their DNA and showed that both belonged to haplogroup R1a and its subclade Z93. The pattern could be considered typically "Turkic", and not a Jewish DNA lineage. Their haplotypes were also identified and reported here. The haplotypes indicate that both Khazars were unrelated to each other in a sense that their common ancestor lived as long as 1500-2500 years earlier than them, in the middle of the II millennium BC-beginning of the I millennium BC, during typically Scythian times or somewhat earlier. Their haplotypes are unrelated to well-known Jewish haplotypes of haplogroup R1a.
Toward a New Outline of the Soviet Central Asian Paleolithic [and Comments and Reply]
Current Anthropology, 1979
SOVIET CENTRAL ASIA is a vast, extremely continental territory, some 2,400,000 km2 in all, consisting of the arid Turan depression and a portion of the Central Asiatic highlands including the Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan ranges. It includes Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadzhikistan, Kirgiziya, and southern Kazahstan; the northern portions of Afghanistan also fall naturally into this area. The eastern, mountainous part has been studied much more thoroughly than the western deserts. We wish to present here a brief summary of the major results of the last 25 years of Paleolithic research in Soviet Central Asia, with special attention to the most important problems archaeologists are facing there. This is by no means a comprehensive review of the literature or a lengthy analysis of data.2 Rather, it is an attempt to communicate some of the most significant features of the Soviet Central Asian Paleolithic, something which has not been done since Movius's 1 This paper is the result of extended collaboration between the authors from May through November 1977 in Tadzhikistan. Davis's visit to the Soviet Union was part of a program of exchanges between the National Academy of Science, U.S.A., and the Academv of Sciences, U.S.S.R. We wish to thank both institutions for making our cooperative work possible. 2 We are preparing a joint monograph which will include a considerable amount of new data, a critical review of the literature, and many illustrations.
Scientific studies conducted by the team of the Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov in 2015 aimed to further elaborate on the issues of the Volga-Kama early and medieval history within the context of the Eurasian civilization. To pursue these scientific and organizational activities, the Institute conducted fundamental and applied research, promoted historical knowledge and developed cooperation with other universities and major academic institutions of Russia and foreign countries. Fundamental research was conducted on “Archaeology of the Early Volga-Kama Population: Interaction of Cultures”, “Medieval Turkic-Tatar Civilization: Emergence, Development and Interaction with Eurasian Peoples”, “Anthropology and Genetics of the Early Middle Volga Population”. Научные изыскания коллектива Института археологии им. А.Х. Халикова в 2015 г. были направлены на углубленную разработку проблем древней и средневековой истории Волго-Камья в контексте Евразийской цивилизации. В рамках этих актуальных задач научная и научно-организационная деятельность Института осуществлялась в форме проведения фундаментальных и прикладных научных исследований, широкой популяризации исторических знаний, развития сотрудничества с вузами, а также с крупными научно-исследовательскими структурами России и зарубежных стран. Фундаментальные исследования проводились по темам «Археология древнего населения Волго-Камья: взаимодействие культур», «Средневековая тюрко-татарская цивилизация: возникновение, развитие, взаимодействие с народами Евразии», «Антропология и генетика древнего населения Среднего Поволжья».