Archaeological Guide of Kosovo

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The archaeological guide highlights Kosovo's rich and diverse archaeological heritage influenced by its geostrategic position and natural resources. It provides insight into various selected archaeological sites, detailing findings from prehistoric, ancient, and medieval periods. The guide emphasizes the historical significance of these sites and the increasing acknowledgment of Kosovo's archaeological potential through ongoing research and discoveries.

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The identified Neolithic site of Varosh is situated in the munici- pality of Ferizaj, respectively, located only 2 km south, southeast from the city, on the flat terrain of the Varosh village.
The identified Neolithic site of Varosh is situated in the munici- pality of Ferizaj, respectively, located only 2 km south, southeast from the city, on the flat terrain of the Varosh village.
Reshtan is a Neolithic settlement situated in the vicinity of Su- hareka (positioned on the close proximity of the road Suhareké-Priz- ren). This archaeological site went through investigations carried out in two seasons 1966/67, which had the character of the archaeological survey. During March 2011, a considerable surface of this site was under a field prospection, respectively, geophysical survey recorded a certain amount of the surface. Nevertheless, at the same year, archaeological excavations conducted here, unearthed an area of 250 m?, investigations that resulted with documenting three occupation layers of the middle Neolithic and the beginning of the Late Neolithic date (4200-3800 BC). In the 2 meter thick cultural layer, three horizons of occupations were recorded, indicating remains and traces of houses with fire place and protection ditches. Based on the discovered fragments of pottery, the analogy of forms and ornamentation led to conclusion that beside the Vinca Culture, here, at this site, there was a strong presence of the Da- nilo Adriatic Culture.
Reshtan is a Neolithic settlement situated in the vicinity of Su- hareka (positioned on the close proximity of the road Suhareké-Priz- ren). This archaeological site went through investigations carried out in two seasons 1966/67, which had the character of the archaeological survey. During March 2011, a considerable surface of this site was under a field prospection, respectively, geophysical survey recorded a certain amount of the surface. Nevertheless, at the same year, archaeological excavations conducted here, unearthed an area of 250 m?, investigations that resulted with documenting three occupation layers of the middle Neolithic and the beginning of the Late Neolithic date (4200-3800 BC). In the 2 meter thick cultural layer, three horizons of occupations were recorded, indicating remains and traces of houses with fire place and protection ditches. Based on the discovered fragments of pottery, the analogy of forms and ornamentation led to conclusion that beside the Vinca Culture, here, at this site, there was a strong presence of the Da- nilo Adriatic Culture.
Nevertheless, based on the collected movable ar- chaeological material, accidental findings discovered as a result of the agricultural works carried there it was possible to ascertain the fact that it is a Neolithic center inhabited during the New Stone Age.
Nevertheless, based on the collected movable ar- chaeological material, accidental findings discovered as a result of the agricultural works carried there it was possible to ascertain the fact that it is a Neolithic center inhabited during the New Stone Age.
The fortress is situated on the eastern part of Gadime e Epérme village. The site was archaeologically investigated during the 1973-1974, which resulted with the documented remains of the Copper Age, re- spectively the Bubanj Sallkuca—Krivadol culture occupation. Also the fortress was reused during the Late Iron Age. Nevertheless, it is im- portant to say that during the Eneolithic period, the fortress was re- constructed in several occasions (phases) and is very significant that discovered fragment of pottery decorated with the ‘graffito technique and ornamented with the lacernation motifs, are most probably done by sharp tools. On the other hand, in the later phase of life continuation, during the later part of the Iron Age, several interesting fragments of imported Greek (Hellenistic) ware were discovered.
The fortress is situated on the eastern part of Gadime e Epérme village. The site was archaeologically investigated during the 1973-1974, which resulted with the documented remains of the Copper Age, re- spectively the Bubanj Sallkuca—Krivadol culture occupation. Also the fortress was reused during the Late Iron Age. Nevertheless, it is im- portant to say that during the Eneolithic period, the fortress was re- constructed in several occasions (phases) and is very significant that discovered fragment of pottery decorated with the ‘graffito technique and ornamented with the lacernation motifs, are most probably done by sharp tools. On the other hand, in the later phase of life continuation, during the later part of the Iron Age, several interesting fragments of imported Greek (Hellenistic) ware were discovered.
‘The first archaeological excavations were carried out in several sea sons; 1961-1963, 1978 and again after two and half decades, the Archaeo logical Institute of Kosovo continued in two annual seasons in 2003-2004 The discovered archaeological material recorded at this site during the ex cavations, stretches from the Late Neolithic continuing until the Iron Age which offers an overview for the study of the material culture of the autoch thonous Dardanian population. Hisar presents a very important prehistori civilization not only for the region, but for the entire Balkans, too. The site i a proof of a flourished town of a Copper Age.
‘The first archaeological excavations were carried out in several sea sons; 1961-1963, 1978 and again after two and half decades, the Archaeo logical Institute of Kosovo continued in two annual seasons in 2003-2004 The discovered archaeological material recorded at this site during the ex cavations, stretches from the Late Neolithic continuing until the Iron Age which offers an overview for the study of the material culture of the autoch thonous Dardanian population. Hisar presents a very important prehistori civilization not only for the region, but for the entire Balkans, too. The site i a proof of a flourished town of a Copper Age.
m Fig. 74. Anklet (grave 1) (Kosovo Museum).  m Fig. 75. Bronze forged tooled button (grave 7) discovered in Gllareva (Kosovo Museum).  m Fig. 76. Different pots modeled in baked clay, discovered at the Bronze site of Gllareva (Kosov Museum).
m Fig. 74. Anklet (grave 1) (Kosovo Museum). m Fig. 75. Bronze forged tooled button (grave 7) discovered in Gllareva (Kosovo Museum). m Fig. 76. Different pots modeled in baked clay, discovered at the Bronze site of Gllareva (Kosov Museum).
The Llashtica burial mounds are situated approximately 10 km north- east from the Gjilan, set on the left bank of the Morava e Bincés River, stretched in a wider area of the agricultural fields of Llashtica village and bordering with the mountains of Karadak. Nine burial mounds were recorded so far, all char- acteristic for the Late Iron Age. Approximately, 1.5 km north from this site, a flat settlement was researched through scan excavations carried out in 2011, confirming the same occupancy period with the mounds, respectively the Late Iron Period. Nevertheless, the archaeological researches’ were carried out in sev- eral seasons at the Llashtica tumulus site commencing in 1980, 1981 and 1982, whereas, five burial mounds were excavated up to the geological layer. In 2011, a tumulus known as number VIII was excavated in two segments. On the other hand, as stated earlier above, the Iron Age settlement researched in 2011 offered an overview of the past society while the burial and settlement complemented the information of the indigenous population. In regard, wealthy archaeological movable objects discovered here, different in form and material as for example the earthenware, jars, plates and jewelry (fibulas, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) and on the other hand, fragmented cult figures with bird motifs coated on bronze, all clearly an overview of a vivid reflection of the Iron period civilization.
The Llashtica burial mounds are situated approximately 10 km north- east from the Gjilan, set on the left bank of the Morava e Bincés River, stretched in a wider area of the agricultural fields of Llashtica village and bordering with the mountains of Karadak. Nine burial mounds were recorded so far, all char- acteristic for the Late Iron Age. Approximately, 1.5 km north from this site, a flat settlement was researched through scan excavations carried out in 2011, confirming the same occupancy period with the mounds, respectively the Late Iron Period. Nevertheless, the archaeological researches’ were carried out in sev- eral seasons at the Llashtica tumulus site commencing in 1980, 1981 and 1982, whereas, five burial mounds were excavated up to the geological layer. In 2011, a tumulus known as number VIII was excavated in two segments. On the other hand, as stated earlier above, the Iron Age settlement researched in 2011 offered an overview of the past society while the burial and settlement complemented the information of the indigenous population. In regard, wealthy archaeological movable objects discovered here, different in form and material as for example the earthenware, jars, plates and jewelry (fibulas, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) and on the other hand, fragmented cult figures with bird motifs coated on bronze, all clearly an overview of a vivid reflection of the Iron period civilization.
Prizren, rare chance discoveries
Prizren, rare chance discoveries
At the village of Cerca, at the verges of the Mokna Mountains, around 2 km west from the town of Istog, during the field work car- ried out at the location of “Arat e njoma’, accidentally a unique artefact was discovered known as Laterculus, an inscribed tile, respectively, a clay-tablet. The inscription carved in the Cerca laterculus, illustrates the fact that somewhere in the vicinity of the discovered place, a roman bath (thermae) was build and most probably, accordingly, based on the inscription text, the bath was named Labanon. The identified archaeo- logical site at this location is a field mainly used for the agricultural pur- poses, stretched in approximately of 4-5 hectares, situated around 1 km from the Istog “Trofta” fish restaurant.  as at 4d . 1 . 4 1 4 7 or: 7
At the village of Cerca, at the verges of the Mokna Mountains, around 2 km west from the town of Istog, during the field work car- ried out at the location of “Arat e njoma’, accidentally a unique artefact was discovered known as Laterculus, an inscribed tile, respectively, a clay-tablet. The inscription carved in the Cerca laterculus, illustrates the fact that somewhere in the vicinity of the discovered place, a roman bath (thermae) was build and most probably, accordingly, based on the inscription text, the bath was named Labanon. The identified archaeo- logical site at this location is a field mainly used for the agricultural pur- poses, stretched in approximately of 4-5 hectares, situated around 1 km from the Istog “Trofta” fish restaurant. as at 4d . 1 . 4 1 4 7 or: 7
Around 150 m on the left side of the Pristina-Skopje road, at the en- trance of the village of Paldenica, above a hill which lays west from the village, on a terrain configuration of a shape of a horse, that has a broader overview of wider area of Lepenc gorge and the town of Hani i Elezit, an amount of surface visible remains of roman pottery and bricks/tiles has been recorded in the past. Nevertheless, in 1967, at the area situated in the vicinity of the left river shore of Lepenc, couple of meters along the river bank stretched toward the Hani i Elezit, a roman period necropolis was recorded. Numer- ous, movable archaeological material was collected and documented at this recognisance occasion, where a bronze casted belt decorated with glass pasta in the millefiori technique was found (a glasswork technique which produces distinctive decorative patterns on glassware). ‘The archaeological material dates chronologically sometime from the 2nd up to 3rd century AD, this a time period of the construction of necropolis of Paldenica. On the other hand, during the agricultural work carried out at the other side located on a hill part in 1995, a marble engraved and inscribed stele of the roman date was accidentally discovered (2nd- 3rd century AD). The stele has the following di- mensions: 160 X 97 X 17,5 cm. Moreover, in another occasion, two bases for columns were discovered at the same place. Most likely, the site was a roman date settlement and when considering the surrounding terrain configuration, presumably, if investigated further, traces of a roman road station might be fond cqmewhere clace: it can he accaaimed cince the rnad that linked ancient
Around 150 m on the left side of the Pristina-Skopje road, at the en- trance of the village of Paldenica, above a hill which lays west from the village, on a terrain configuration of a shape of a horse, that has a broader overview of wider area of Lepenc gorge and the town of Hani i Elezit, an amount of surface visible remains of roman pottery and bricks/tiles has been recorded in the past. Nevertheless, in 1967, at the area situated in the vicinity of the left river shore of Lepenc, couple of meters along the river bank stretched toward the Hani i Elezit, a roman period necropolis was recorded. Numer- ous, movable archaeological material was collected and documented at this recognisance occasion, where a bronze casted belt decorated with glass pasta in the millefiori technique was found (a glasswork technique which produces distinctive decorative patterns on glassware). ‘The archaeological material dates chronologically sometime from the 2nd up to 3rd century AD, this a time period of the construction of necropolis of Paldenica. On the other hand, during the agricultural work carried out at the other side located on a hill part in 1995, a marble engraved and inscribed stele of the roman date was accidentally discovered (2nd- 3rd century AD). The stele has the following di- mensions: 160 X 97 X 17,5 cm. Moreover, in another occasion, two bases for columns were discovered at the same place. Most likely, the site was a roman date settlement and when considering the surrounding terrain configuration, presumably, if investigated further, traces of a roman road station might be fond cqmewhere clace: it can he accaaimed cince the rnad that linked ancient
Uglar-Statio Vicianc
Uglar-Statio Vicianc
construction and reconstruction.
construction and reconstruction.
The Harilaq fortress/castle (4th-6th century AD), is situated on top of the hill known by the local toponomy as the Gradina e Harilaqit, set in an erased and dominant position, west from the Harilaq village. The fortress is located in an altitude of maximum 766 meters above the sea level, and is approximately sited 9 km southeast from the town of Fushé Kosova and only 2 kilometers west from Pristina International Airport ‘Adem Jashari. The total surface of the fortress, also counting along the circular walls/ ram- parts, measures around 1.3 hectares of the inner space of the stronghold. The Archaeological excavations at this site were conducted in several sea- sons, commencing in 2005 and were carried out systematically until 2009. Nonetheless, several conservations and consolidations of the circuit walls were done in order to preserve the remains. During the archaeological five seasons works, numerous remains and foundations of sacral, profane and utilitarian buildings were discovered. In regard, the entire outer sides of the rampart with towers at the axes were unearthed, as well as a church with three naves and a Saskrity are discovered, but also two almost identi- cal structures in a rounded shape of an unknown sacral complex has been uncovered, as well. On the other hand, vast movable archaeological mate- rial composed of; metal made working tools, jewelry, coins, bricks, glass fragments and architectural structures, all clear indications that pinpoint to the Late Antique date and especially typical for the Justinian Period. Also, at this fortress traces of prehistoric periods have been evidenced, especially emphasizing the metal periods, but it continued to exist all through antiq- uity and up to the Medieval Period.
The Harilaq fortress/castle (4th-6th century AD), is situated on top of the hill known by the local toponomy as the Gradina e Harilaqit, set in an erased and dominant position, west from the Harilaq village. The fortress is located in an altitude of maximum 766 meters above the sea level, and is approximately sited 9 km southeast from the town of Fushé Kosova and only 2 kilometers west from Pristina International Airport ‘Adem Jashari. The total surface of the fortress, also counting along the circular walls/ ram- parts, measures around 1.3 hectares of the inner space of the stronghold. The Archaeological excavations at this site were conducted in several sea- sons, commencing in 2005 and were carried out systematically until 2009. Nonetheless, several conservations and consolidations of the circuit walls were done in order to preserve the remains. During the archaeological five seasons works, numerous remains and foundations of sacral, profane and utilitarian buildings were discovered. In regard, the entire outer sides of the rampart with towers at the axes were unearthed, as well as a church with three naves and a Saskrity are discovered, but also two almost identi- cal structures in a rounded shape of an unknown sacral complex has been uncovered, as well. On the other hand, vast movable archaeological mate- rial composed of; metal made working tools, jewelry, coins, bricks, glass fragments and architectural structures, all clear indications that pinpoint to the Late Antique date and especially typical for the Justinian Period. Also, at this fortress traces of prehistoric periods have been evidenced, especially emphasizing the metal periods, but it continued to exist all through antiq- uity and up to the Medieval Period.
The village of Stroc is known for the existence of a fortress set at the Gradina hill, a fortress which was used in continuity since prehis- tory, Late Antiquity and Early Medieval period. Traces of the walls set in the shape of the cascades which incline up to the top of the hill, are noticeable at the Gradina hillside. Even in the present days, traces of the forts towers and ramparts are visible, measuring up to two meters wide walls. Based on the terrain configuration and evidenced remains, presumable at this location, in the past, a cult object used to exist and served to the local population.
The village of Stroc is known for the existence of a fortress set at the Gradina hill, a fortress which was used in continuity since prehis- tory, Late Antiquity and Early Medieval period. Traces of the walls set in the shape of the cascades which incline up to the top of the hill, are noticeable at the Gradina hillside. Even in the present days, traces of the forts towers and ramparts are visible, measuring up to two meters wide walls. Based on the terrain configuration and evidenced remains, presumable at this location, in the past, a cult object used to exist and served to the local population.
At the village of Vugak, which is located at the verge of the Kas- mac Mountain, situated around 12 km southwest from the town of Dre- nas, placed in a very dominant position, traces of ruins that follow the terrain configuration of the hill are observable. In fact, there are two forts, one known as the Gjyteti i Madh and Gjyteti i Vogél (big fort and small fort). The collected and recorded archaeological material, con- firm human activity since prehistoric up to the Medieval period. None- theless, this Fortress was typical for the period of the Late Antiquity as it served as a defense system for the local population.
At the village of Vugak, which is located at the verge of the Kas- mac Mountain, situated around 12 km southwest from the town of Dre- nas, placed in a very dominant position, traces of ruins that follow the terrain configuration of the hill are observable. In fact, there are two forts, one known as the Gjyteti i Madh and Gjyteti i Vogél (big fort and small fort). The collected and recorded archaeological material, con- firm human activity since prehistoric up to the Medieval period. None- theless, this Fortress was typical for the period of the Late Antiquity as it served as a defense system for the local population.
Llapushnik Fortress
Llapushnik Fortress
Kosovo Museum
Kosovo Museum

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