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Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, The WIlson Center, Smithsonian Institution, Special Studies, No. 2. It also appeared in the book "Nationalism and Social Change in Transcaucasia, ed. R.G. Suny (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985, pp.45-67
A Glance at the History of Armenians in Adıyaman
rmenian existence in Adıyaman is observed to exist since the 4th century. They were called Arevebasht (worshipping the sun) or Arevoti (the son of the sun) as they were fire-worshippers. Arevortis lived in the Adıyaman region (Mateos, 1989: 278). Islamic armies captured this region from 639 onwards. The Arabs considered the region as a part of small Armenia (El-Belazuri, 1955: 197-248-251-282-283; Ağırakça, 1996: 95-96; Bulduk, 2004: 13). The Armenian population in the region increased when Armenians who were suppressed in Byzantine due to denominational differences migrated to the region in 713. Along with this, some problems started to emerge. Religious and political conflicts are the main ones among these. As a result of the decline of Byzantine after the defeat of Malazgirt, eastern Anatolian lands where Armenians resided came under Turkish rule. Armenians who remained without self-defence in Adıyaman formed groups in cities like Adıyaman and Marash and founded princedoms. The most important among these is the princedom founded by Philaretos who spent his childhood in Adıyaman. Philaretos tried to follow balanced politics to be able to protect his lands stuck between the Seljuks and Byzantine. Social and political relations through marriages started to develop between Armenians in Adıyaman, Samsat and Besni and Europeans in Crusader Earldom established in Urfa as a result of the Crusades. Later on the wish of the Urfa Earldom to expand in the region had been against Armenians. They had engaged in assassinations to decrease the political power of Armenian leaders in the region. The fact that the wife of Keysun judge Kogh Vasil founded an army of riders and pawns to be able to be protected from the Crusaders and Franks gives an idea about the extensions of the pressure and attacks by the Earldom of Urfa. However, the Seljuk and Artuqid invasions brought about intimacy between Armenians and Crusaders. When the threat of Turks decreased, the fight between the parties started again and Crusaders in the Urfa region captured Armenian lands in the Adıyaman, Besni, Samsat, and Keysun regions (Demirkent, 1990: 160). The relations between Armenians and Crusaders were determined by Turks for a long time. The close co-operation between Armenians and Crusaders lasted until Nureddin Zengi captured Urfa. Adıyaman Armenians came under the rule of Artuqid Timutash in exchange for his help to Zengi. After this date, Adıyaman and thus Armenians came under the rule of the Artuqids and then the Seljuks starting from the beginning of 13th century onwards. During the ascension of Kilicarslan II to the throne, though Besni Armenians wanted to get rid of Seljuk rule by co-operating with Stefan, one of the leaders of Cilicia Armenians, they were not able to achieve this. Nevertheless, Kilicarslan II did not suppress Armenians. After the Seljuks, the Cilicia Armenians and the Memluks fought for the rule of Adıyaman-Besni region and the region changed hands between the two parties (Ersan, 1995: 201). When it came to 19th century, most of the Armenians in Adıyaman lived in the Old Palace Neighbourhood and the feet of the castle. They made their living generally through shop keeping and trading. They also held some offices such as Police Commissary and Assembly membership. They were occupied with agriculture and husbandry in the villages.
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