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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the prevailing CC-BY-NC license at the time of publication.

Acta Orientalia 2014: 75, 3-30. Printed in India -all rights reserved

Acta Orientalia, 2014

Based on previous research on the very strong correlations between the Burushaski and Phrygian languages, expanded in this article, we discuss in detail the direct mythological correspondence between Burushaski hargín 'dragon' and Phrygian argwitas 'dragon'. We also contemplate a possible etymology for Indo-European *silVbVr-'silver'. The proposition of a historical link between Burushaski and Phrygian is reconsidered, as well as the gene evidence that locates the Burusho within NorthWestern Indo-European.

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