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Related papers
Historijski pogledi, 2019
The question of the entry of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Kingdom of the SHS is important to research and study through the columns of the National Unity, the official newsletter of the new national authorities. Although in its first issue it was announced with pomp, it was an independent newsletter, it was everything, but not independently. Namely, this is a school example of the Edict list, which served to glorify the new state of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs, and later to glorify the unification into the Kingdom, that is, first of all, the glorification of the Serbian element in the Kingdom of the SHS. This work follows the information contained in columns from November 4, when the first number of the National Unity was published, until December 26, 1918, or less than two months.
Literary Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju
The manuscript collection of the Specialized Library “Behram-beg” in Tuzla contains 131 manuscript codices written in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian. The largest part of the collection consists of manuscripts of the Qur’an, works from the Qur’anic disciplines, hadith sciences, Islamic law, dogmatics, prayers, sermons, grammar, lexicography and belles lettres. Of particular value to this collection are the works of Bosniak authors and works by other authors copied by Bosniaks, as well as works that are rarely found in other manuscriptcollections and those written in Arabic script in the Bosnian language. Of the total number of manuscripts stored in the collection of the Behram-beg library, 78 have been digitised. We will present a part of these manuscripts in this paper, trying to draw attention to the growing importance of digital data processing and storage with the aim of valid protection, study and valorization of written heritage. Digital archives as safe places of storage...
Grobni humak iz ranoga brončanog doba u Podvršju
Radovi. Razdio povijesnih znanosti
U ovom radu daje se izvještaj o istraživanju i obrada građe jednoga grobnog humka iz ranoga brončanog doba, zvanoga Mala glavica, smještenog na kosi Matakov brig u selu Podvršje, sjev. ist. od Kadra, blizu jedne brončnodobne gradine zvane Mali Šibenik. Humak je istražen u okviru praktičnoga terenskoga rada studenata arheologije Filozofskoga fakulteta u Zadru 1986. godine. Imao je promjer 14x15 m I visinu 0,70 m, jer je dosta oštećen odnošenjem kamenja. Sastojao se od zemlje i kamenja. Bio je izgrađen tako što je najprije obzidom od kamenja označen krug promjera oko 10 m koji je zatim ispunjen čistom zemljom crvenicom debljine oko 20—30 om i na im podlogu polagani ostaci spaljenih pokojnika, pa pokriveni naslagom kamenja i zemlje, prvotne visine oko 1,5—2 m. U humku su otkrivena 4 oštećena groba s ostacima spaljenih pokojnika, od kojih su tri bez grobne škrinje, a jedan sa škrinjom od neobrađenoga kamenja. Od prilogu u jednom grobu nađen je samo I zub psa. Međutim, veća količina grad...
Koledanje i njegovi poganski elementi u Novom Selu i drugim gradišćanskohrvatskim selima
Studia ethnologica Croatica, 2009
Jedan je primjer pre pli ta nja poganstva i kršćanstva u Hrvata i drugih Slavena takozvano ko le danje. Taj se običaj spominje već u staro crk ve no sla venskim "Za po vi jedima sve tih ota ca". Sačuvao se donedavna u Hrvat skoj i u gra diš ćan skih Hrvata, prije svega u onih u Novom Selu kod Pan dro fa na sa mom sjeveru Gra dišća. Za raz li ku od dru gih gra dišćansko hrvat skih ko ledarskih pjesama pozna tih u najviše jed nom zapisu, tekst je novo seo ske pjes me poznat u četiri zapisa i time pokazuje koliko je tekstovna predaja bila gipka čak unutar jednoga sela. Teks tovi ko le dar skih pje sama sadržavaju poganske mo ti ve i rekvizite te pra sla ven ske for mu la ci je kao na primjer dvor boga gromovnika Peru na, čudesno drvo, Perunova sina, zlatno sedlo, pticu na kiti i jabuku. Ključne riječi: koledanje, Za po vi jedi sve tih ota ca, Mer ze burš ki peni ten ci jal, Novo Selo, Gradišće, Ivan Kusztrich, praslavenski Kao što je stajalo u pozivu, skup "Pag u praskozorje hrvatskoga kršćanstva" bio je posvećen preplitanju pret krš ćan skih i krš ćan skih pre do čaba u Hrvata i drugih Slavena. Dobar je primjer takvoga pre pli ta nja takozvano ko le danje. Taj je običaj potpuno ugrađen u crk ve nu go di nu, ba rem kako je puk
Bosanski jezik i bosnistika u Mađarskoj
Književni jezik
The article presents the presence of the Bosnian language and Bosnian studies in Hungary. It discusses in detail the meaning, history and beginnings of the ethnonym Bosnian, which dates back to the 19th century. After the fall of the AustroHungarian Monarchy, the first independent South Slavic state was established, which brought not only political and economic changes, but also language and language policy changes. Post-World War II Yugoslavia was characterized by linguistic unification, which took place in the Serbo-Croatian language. The Hungarian scientific and non-scientific public faithfully followed the Yugoslav terminology, so there was no mention of the Bosnian language at all. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, a new language situation arose, which was interpreted by István Nyomárkay for the Hungarian academic public. However, information about the Bosnian language in Hungarian sources is still almost unavailable, from which it follows that there are no Bosnian studies in Hu...