Al-Andalus. Etimology and name. Political history
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Some Reflections on Poetry (Şiir Hakkında Bazı Mülâhazalar) by Ahmet Haşim (1887-1933)
Nesir: Journal of Literary Studies, 2023
"Some Reflections on Poetry" is the introduction written by Haşim for his second poetry collection, “The Wine Cup,” in which he passionately elaborates on and defends his poetic philosophy. In this second collection, Haşim departs from traditional Divan Poetry, opting instead for a stylistic approach that prioritizes imagery and rhyme over meaning and coherence – a choice that was met with skepticism and criticism from his contemporaries and critics alike. In the introduction, added as an afterthought, he addresses the criticism that he faced with a tone that is both defensive and confident. He emphasizes the importance of poetry’s musicality over its meaning, alluding to a contemporary debate about whether poetry is meant for visual or auditory appreciation.
Middle Eastern Literatures, 2020
Golan Haji (Jūlān Ḥājī, b. 1977) is a Kurdish-Syrian poet, translator, and physician, currently based in Paris. He is the author of five books of poetry. His first collection Nādā fī al-ẓulumāt (He called out in the Dark) won the Muḥammad al-Māghūt prize and was published in 2004. His other works include Thammata man yarāka waḥshan (Someone Sees you as a Monster, 2008), al-Kharīf hunāk sāḥir wa kabīr (Autumn there is Magical and Vast, 2013), and Mīzān al-adhā (The Balance of Hurt, 2016), in addition to an edited a volume of women’s accounts of the Syrian revolution titled Ilā an qāmat al-ḥarb (Until the War Erupted, 2016). His translations include work by: Mark Strand’s A Dark Harbor, Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and three works by Alberto Manguel, the Argentinian-Canadian novelist. With Stephen Watts, Haji has co-translated a selection of his own poetry in a volume titled A Tree Whose Name I Don’t Know (2017).
Ahmet Haşim / Some Reflections on Poetry (Çev. Nefise Kahraman)
When the poem "Desire at the End of a Day," which the reader will read in this book, was first published, its meaning was considered overly cryptic by some, and much was said and written about the notions of "meaning" and "clarity" in poetry. None of this comes to mind at this moment. How could it? For some of what was said and written was profanity and insults, and some was merely the nonsensical content of daily newspapers. Insults on the grounds of differing viewpoints are a well-established tactic, one that has been used by us for ages, a dishonorable legacy passed down from generation to generation among the same kind of penmen. Hence, no generation of writers can boast of being unacquainted with such debates. Especially since, in the fields of science and literature, disgraced and despicable people, sometimes disguised as scholars, sometimes as critics, sometimes as artists, can run their donkeys freely, it would be childishly naive to hope that a courteous conduct will be observed in the exchange of ideas.
Images of Nature in the Poetry of Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabbi
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The Poetry of Syed Ali Hamid: An Evaluation
MIT International Journal of English Language & Literature 3.1, 2016
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Creativity And Translation: Jalāl Al-Dīn Rūmī’s Poems Between Arabic And English
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2023
Öz 13. yüzyıl Fars İslam şairlerinden biri olan Celâlettin Rumi (1207-1273), insanlık tarihinin en büyük mutasavvıf şairlerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. Mirası yüzyıllarca hayatta kalmış ve eserleri çeviri kapısından geçerek dillerin eşiğini aşmış ve diğer kültürlerin istifadesine sunulmuştur. Mevlâna, (Gönül hocasının ismini koyduğu) büyük divanını Divan-ı Şemsi Tebrizi'deki şiirlerini ağırlıklı olarak Farsça, bazı şiirlerini Arapça, bazılarını Türkçe ve birkaçını da Yunanca olarak yazmıştır. Farsça eserlerinin birçoğu son birkaç yüzyılda İngilizceye ve diğer Avrupa dillerine çevrilmiş ve bu çeviriler, Mevlâna ve tasavvufun Batı dünyasına tanıtılmasında çok önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Bilindiği üzere Mevlâna Arapçayı çok sevmektedir ve onun kalbinde Sami dillerinden olan bu dilin için özel bir yeri vardır. Ancak Mevlâna'nın yazılarındaki Arapçanın önemine rağmen Arapça şiirleri, kapsamlı bir şekilde tercüme edilen Farsça şiirlerin aksine, nadiren tercüme ve analiz edilmiştir. Bu yüzden, Mevlâna'nın Arapça şiirlerinin İngilizce ‗ye çevrilmesindeki yetersizlik ve bunların şerhi oldukça merak uyandırıcıdır. Sadece birkaç bilim adamı, en önemlilerinden biri Franklin Lewis, Arapça şiirleri tercüme ve şerh etmeye çalışmıştır. Bu çalışma Mevlâna'nın yazılarında Arapçanın önemine ışık tutmakta, ardından Nesreen Akhtarkhavari'nin ve Anthony Lee'nin Kurtarıcım Aşk: Rumi'nin Arapça Şiirleri (2016) adlı eserinden yaptıkları çeviriyi incelemektedir. Aynı zamanda Rumi'nin Arapçadaki şiirsel ifadesinin estetik gücünün İngilizce ‗ye çevrilirken kaybolmaması için çeviride yaratıcılığın ne kadar önemli olduğu da ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. 2
Abstract: In this article, the poems of the Osmon Azim are analyzed linguopoetically, which contains ideas about the specific features of the poems. In addition, the article also emphasizes the means of enhancing the poetic meaning in Osmon Azim poems
Islamic History and Literature, 2024
The homeland is a location of grandeur, prestige, pride, fulfillment and dignity in the poets' accomplishments. The natural beauty of the country narrates the enduring tale of love for a nation; even the sounds of nature found room for admiration and praise. The researcher plans to emphasize the poet's erudition, knowledge, skill and ability while also signifying the poet's respect and admiration for his homeland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through some verse lines of the poem "Sunset Garden" by Ghazi Al-Gosaibi. On the other hand, the researcher tries to examine the poet's skill in the manner in which he used the Arabic language in his poem. Another example of the poet's genius is his beautiful use of ancient Arabic as a metaphor for his love of his huge motherland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After a brief introduction, the study looks at Saudi poetry that celebrates the beauty of the home. The main part of the study deals with the Saudi poet Ghazi Al-Gosaibi. The study applies an analyticalcritical-descriptive approach to inspect selected verse lines from Ghazi Al-Gosaibi's poem "The Sunset Garden" الغروب( ,)حديقة giving emphasis on the concept of home as its principal interest. Then, a recommendation and a brief conclusion to the study are given.