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Читатель как персонаж гротескного сюжета

Уральский филологический вестник, 2020

Цель исследования - выявить основания, на почве которых в литературе постмодернизма формируется тенденция гротескного изображения читателя.

Сусрет са другим у Књизи о Рути

Богословље , 2020

An Encounter with “The Other” in the Book of Ruth Summary: The main hypothesis of this paper consists of the notion that the Book of Ruth is appealing for a new perception of “The Other”, in this particular case of Moabites as “The Other”. The term “Other” is used in a sense in which it is used in sociological research (identity studies) and this paper is trying to build a bridge between two realities. By building a positive image of the Moabites who are in most of the Bible the designated as The Enemy, the Book of Ruth is a valuable resource for studying the process of reevaluation of “the Other” and an appeal for a new experience of “The Other”. ▶ Key words: Bible, Holy Scripture, The Book of Ruth, Ruth, Naomi, “The Other”, otherness, othering, religious and ethnic otherness, migrations, refugees, widow, role of women, interfaith marriage, levirate marriage, integration.

«Рассуждающий» повествователь в мифологическом нарративе

В статье рассматривается позиция нарратора в мифологическом рассказе как субъекта сознания. Наличие рассуждений и мотивировок в речевой партии повествователя, отличающее мифологический текст от других фольклорных жанров, связано с особенностями ситуации бытования мифологической прозы и установкой на достоверность текста. Реальная модальность мифологического рассказа обусловливает функционирование текста в рамках актуального разговорно-речевого дискурса и действие в нем тенденций, свойственных разговорной речи. Одной из таких тенденций является доминирование говорящего как субъекта знаний, мнений, оценок, что находит отражение в субъектной организации мифологического текста.

Лексические клоны в русском языке


The study looks into the phenomenon of lexical cloning in the Russian language and provides a classification of the types of meaning that can be conveyed while using structures with this type of reduplication. The study is based on the corpus of examples collected from the Russian National Corpus, the ruTenTen Corpus in the Sketch Engine system, as well as written down examples from oral communication. The paper is divided into two chapters: "Constructions with lexical clones in the context of linguistic research" and "Lexical cloning in the spoken language and on the Internet." The first chapter examines various approaches to the studied pattern: it focuses on lexical cloning as a type of syntactic reduplication, as well as on its place among related phenomena. It deals with existing descriptions of the structure of such constructions, and describes semantic and pragmatic aspects of their interpretation. Apart from that, existing papers on the reduplication in Russian are explored, in particular, the types of reduplication pointed out by the researchers, specific features of such patterns, etc. The second part of the study is devoted to the analysis of the explored phenomenon in Russian. First, the methodology and the course of the research are discussed, then the study looks into the formal properties of the structures with lexical clones. After that, based on the analysis of the joint corpus and the types of meaning of lexical clones formulated in literature, a classification of different interpretation strategies is elaborated. Importantly, for the first time a key distinction between two types of meaning is made: the usages that give instructions concerning the intended way for the word to be understood (interpretational, or metalinguistic strategies) and those that refer to some extra-linguistic properties of the referent (descriptive strategies). After that, the chapter concentrates on contextual factors and specific contextual clues that affect the hearer’s preference for one or another way to interpret lexical clones. The last section provides a comparison of lexical cloning with tautologies and other structures with identical constituents (structures like X kak X, X tak X etc.). In the conclusion of the paper, the results of the study are summed up and followed by a discussion of inferences and conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of the conducted research.

Средбата на Човекот со Соларис (кон Соларис од Станислав Лем)


Планетата Соларис, преку својот океан, има капацитет да ги извлече најсилните записи од мозоците на екипажот, а тие записи најмногу се врзани со емоции на тага, болка, уживање. Од нив го создава нивниот партнер/противник кој ги преиспитува не само нивните туку и своите граници. Како средство за извлекување на записите, Океанот го користи сонот, една од човечките активности кои барем за уметноста била секогаш доведувана во врска со мистичното, чудесното, алхемиското. За психологијата, сонот е јазикот на несвесното, а токму оттаму Океанот ги влече своите информации. Ги влече без вообичаената цензура за која најчесто се зборува во човечки термини

«Сказ» в творчестве Н.С. Лескова и Л.А. Филатова: точки соприкосновения

Славянские чтения: научно-теоретический журнал / Славян. ун-т; ред.-изд. совет: Бабенко О.А., Млечко Т.П. [et al.]; отв. ред. Горбачева И.А.; пер. с англ. яз.: Бучкова О.Н.; пер. на рум. яз.: Дубровский А.Д. – K.: Славян. ун-т, 2016. - 348 с. С. 188-202., 2016

Координатор издательских проектов Славянского университетадоктор философии, профессор Бабенко О.А.