“Provinciales, Gentiles, and Marriages between Romans and Barbarians in the Late Roman Empire”
- ️https://illinois.academia.edu/RalphMathisen
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Rome and the Barbarians : The Privilege of Law
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
The inheritance of Roman law is complex. On the same background created by Rome, specific legal forms grew up which resulted of the process of acculturation. In the Late Empire, there were many barbarians in the Roman army and military judges had to accommodate Roman rules with tribal norms The so-called barbarian laws are to be found in this military context. They were issued as a privilege, so that the bond of peoples to their own customs was strenghtened and proto-national legal aggregates settled into shape. Résumé : Le legs du droit romain est beaucoup plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît. Sur le même terreau façonné par Rome s'épanouirent des formes juridiques différentes, produits de processus d'acculturation variables. Aux IV e et V e siècles, la présence barbare dans l'armée romaine était très forte et les juges militaires eurent à concilier les normes romaines aux traditions des unités tribales. C'est dans ce contexte militaire qu'il faut considérer l'origine des lois dites barbares, des lois que les soldats barbares avaient reçues en privilèges. De la sorte se renforça le lien des peuples à ces « lois coutumières » et prirent forme des ensembles juridiques « proto-nationaux ».
review of T. Honoré, Law in the Crisis of Empire 379-455 A.D.
Law and History Review, 2000
Tony Honore has pugnaciously dedicated his newest book "to the unsatisfied," a broad hint that something familiarly controversial is to come. And come it does, in the form of a historical argument based on a stylistic analysis of the Latin of imperial laws dated between A.D. 379 and 455. These laws are chiefly preserved in the Theodosian Code, a collection of imperial laws of the fourth and fifth centuries A.C. gathered (with subsequent additions) in A.D. 429-435 and thus prior to the more familiar, multi-part Justinianic Code.
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Law and Society surveys the landscape of contemporary research and charts principal directions of future inquiry. More than a history of doctrine or an account of jurisprudence, the Handbook brings to bear upon Roman legal study the full range of intellectual resources of contemporary legal history, from comparison to popular constitutionalism, from international private law to law and society, thereby setting itself apart from other volumes as a unique contribution to scholarship on its subject. The Handbook brings the study of Roman law into closer alignment and dialogue with historical, sociological, and anthropological research into law in other periods. It will therefore be of value not only to ancient historians and legal historians already focused on the ancient world, but to historians of all periods interested in law and its complex and multifaceted relationship to society.
On Some Questions of Roman Public Law
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E. Harris and M. Canevaro (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Law
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Law and Legalism in the Roman Republic
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