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On the Contents and Nature of the Tebtunis Temple Library: A Status Report

Tebtynis und Soknopaiu Nesos. Leben im römerzeitlichen Fajum. Akten des Internationalen Symposions vom 11. bis 13. Dezember in Sommerhausen bei Würzburg, pp. 141-170. Edited by S. Lippert and M. Schentuleit. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005

[Initial paragraph:] The Tebtunis temple deposit is the largest, single assemblage of ancient Egyptian literary texts ever found. The material was unearthed more than seventy years ago, but most of it still remains unpublished owing - at least in part - to its extremely fragmentary nature. Despite its profound importance, the material has therefore still not attracted much attention outside a small group of specialists. ...

Four Papyri from Second-Century Tebtunis


The texts presented here have until now been known to papyrologists only from short de scriptions in the We print below full transcripts together with a commentary to take account of scholarship since the original publication in 1907. The texts have a common feature in their concern with weaving: nr.l is an apprenticeship to a weaver, the remainder are receipts for weavers' tax. General treatments of the weaving industry in Egypt are to be found in S.Calder?ni, "Ri cerche sul I "industria e il commercio dei tessuti in Egitto", Aegyptus 26 (1946) 13 ff.

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2012.

where knowledge was previously sketchy, and generally to edge closer to the ideal of complete and correct understanding of the ancient world" (Times Literary Supplement, September 17, 2010, p. 23). Kelly notes that "Michael Gagarin (editor-in-chief), his ADC (Elaine Fantham, associate editor-in-chief) and a small general staff (only five area editors) have exercised tight control over a legion of contributors. The result is a remarkable monument to scholarly orthodoxy."

Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies (BABELAO 12, 2023)

Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies (Babelao 12, 2023) - Direction Jean-Claude Haelewyck, Claude Obsomer, 2023

An open electronic scientific peer-reviewed bulletin concerning Near East, 12th edition, 227 pages. Le nom BABELAO signifie « Bulletin de l’ABELAO », plus précisément « Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales ». L’ABELAO est une association sans but lucratif qui veut promouvoir l’enseignement et la recherche dans le domaine des cultures et des langues anciennes et orientales, notamment par l’organisation de sessions de cours d’été sur le site de l’Université de Louvain, à Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique). Le BABELAO est référencé dans AWOL (The Ancient World Online), RHE (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique), Elenchus Bibliographicus (Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses).