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- ️https://independent.academia.edu/NenadBo%C5%BEovi%C4%87
An Encounter with “The Other” in the Book of Ruth Summary: The main hypothesis of this paper consists of the notion that the Book of Ruth is appealing for a new perception of “The Other”, in this particular case of Moabites as “The Other”. The term “Other” is used in a sense in which it is used in sociological research (identity studies) and this paper is trying to build a bridge between two realities. By building a positive image of the Moabites who are in most of the Bible the designated as The Enemy, the Book of Ruth is a valuable resource for studying the process of reevaluation of “the Other” and an appeal for a new experience of “The Other”. ▶ Key words: Bible, Holy Scripture, The Book of Ruth, Ruth, Naomi, “The Other”, otherness, othering, religious and ethnic otherness, migrations, refugees, widow, role of women, interfaith marriage, levirate marriage, integration.