Nikola (1673-1674) “komunsko dijete”

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Predajno u Došenovoj Jeci planine (1767)

Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić, 2021

Based on his two works Jeka planine (1767) and Aždaja sedmoglava (1768) secular priest Vid Došen (1719 or 1720–1778) is in Croatian literary historiography attributed as a religious and enlightenment writer. In Jeka planine Došen defends Matija Antun Relković after the first issue of Satire iliti divji čovik (Dresden, 1762). The main interest of this work is focused on Došen’s sharp critique of the legendary in Jeka planine, in which we recognize his enlightenment motivation, but also a continuation of a long tradition of Catholic renewal from the previous century. Svjetovni svećenik Vid Došen (1719. ili 1720–1778) u hrvatskoj je književnoj historiografiji, na temelju svojih dvaju djela Jeka planine (1767) i Aždaja sedmoglava (1768), atribuiran kao vjerski i prosvjetiteljski pisac. Jeka planine Došenova je obrana Matije Antuna Relkovića nakon prvoga izdanja Satira iliti divjeg čovika (Dresden, 1762). Središnji je interes ovoga rada usmjeren na Došenovu oštru kritiku predajnoga u Jeci planine u čemu se prepoznaje njegovo prosvjetiteljsko djelovanje, ali ujedno i nastavljanje na dugu tradiciju djela katoličke obnove iz prethodnoga stoljeća.

[Child in contemporary Croatian society]

Lijec̆nic̆ki vjesnik

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Neki aspekti obiteljske i demografske prošlosti župe Miljevci koncem XVII. stoljeća u svijetlu matičnih knjiga rođenih

Miljevci u prošlosti (s pogledom u budućnost). Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa Miljevci u prošlosti (s pogledom u budućnost). Visovac - Drinovci, 15. - 16. lipnja 2007., 2008

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Josip Vaništa kao „lažni Rimbaud”

Ars Adriatica

The author confirms Zagreb’s proto-conceptual art group Gorgona as an anti-aesthetic and anti-painting association, which sought to initiate a revision of the existing art, desacralize artistic creation, and secularize the artwork and its message. Gorgona ventured into the domain of mental freedom with the aim of demystifying the very language of art. In the group’s manuscripts, the reality of the work of art comes forth charged and impressive as something independent and self-sufficient, free from the traditional, canonized, prescribed, and academicized customs of representative painting. Through a critical re-examination of the function of art and artistic language, Gorgona came to the insight that the convention of painting was inappropriate to the ethics of art. Painting – now perceived as an outdated and worn-out instrument of artistic expression – was to be minimized and in fact – conceptually – removed from the artistic context, although the group members engaged in painting ...

Osobna Imena U Matičnim Knjigama Krštenih Katoličke Župe Miholjac U 18. Stoljeću

The paper shows the results of an analyses of anthroponymic resources kept in the registers of the Catholic parish Miholjac in the 18 th century. Clear references are made into the frequency of assigning individual personal names to male and female children, to the most frequently assigned male and female names. The analysis indicates a relatively limited name corpus and an expressed name entropy during the whole observed period. All the names in the parish baptismal registers were recorded in the contemporary official language, Latin; all of them were Christian names.

Janko Polić Kamov – ususret avangardi

Anafora, 2017

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Perikopa o kamenu ugaonom i narodu Božjem – kraljevskom svećenstvu u Prvoj Petrovoj poslanici (1 Pt 2, 4-10)

Diacovensia, 2017

Prva Petrova poslanica u perikopi 1 Pt 2, 4-10, govoreći o Kristu, kamenu ugaonom, te o narodu Božjem, ovdje nazvanom kraljevskim svećenstvom, očituje specifičnu petrovsku ekleziološku sliku. Do ekleziološki relevantnih rezultata u ovom se radu došlo egzegetskom analizom koristeći se pritom tehnikom hermeneutike Staroga zavjeta u Novom zavjetu, egzegetskom analizom s kontekstualizacijom važnijih motiva prisutnih u perikopi i daljnjom egzegetskom i biblijsko-teološkom analizom oslonjenom na literaturu bibličara egzegeta koji su komentirali tu perikopu. Značajni motivi koji se nalaze u perikopi posjeduju ne samo novozavjetni kontekst s kristološkim ili ekleziološkim značenjem i implikacijama već imaju i svoju starozavjetnu pozadinu, kontekst i semantiku. Motiv kraljevskoga svećenstva koji u toj perikopi ukazuje na cijeli narod Božji, na kršćane vjernike, dakle na cijelu Ekklesiu, u događajima reformacije 16. stoljeća pogrješno se tumači (osobito redak 1 Pt 2, 9 perikope) dovodeći do t...

„Romantičarska“ slika djetinjstva u stvaralaštvu Jovana Sundečića

Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2023

In this paper I analyze one of the first collections of poems for children in the SCBM language, Niz dragocijenoga bisera ili Duhovne i moralne pjesme za djecu by Jovan Sundečić (Zadar 1856, Cetinje 1865). Although many have stated that it is one of the first original publications intended for children and young readers of the South Slavic area, there has been no detailed analysis of it until now. In the introductory part of the paper, I will look at the circumstances which led to creation of literature for children and young people, in the central part, through the analysis of Sundečić's book, I will show why Romanticism in children's literature inevitably intertwined with Enlightenment, and I will try to illuminate the socio-historical circumstances that led to the reprint. In the conclusion, I make an evaluation of the book from the viewpoint of Romanticism, as the period in which it was created, as well as the contemporary moment, which tends to mark the timeless literary qualities.