Ethiopic Jubilees Reading Guide: The Aqedah, 17:15-18:16
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Lancet, 2011
The electrical network system is to ensure that an adequate supply is available to meet the estimated load of the consumers in both the near and more distant future. In order to avoid excessive voltage drop and minimize loss, it may be economical to install apparatus to balance or partially balance the loads. It is believed that the technology to achieve an automatic load balancing lends itself readily for the implementation of different types of algorithms for automatically rearranging the connection of consumers on the low voltage end of a feeder for optimal performance. In this paper the combination of the fuzzy logic, which addresses the linear solution, with Newtown Raphson as optimization method for the nonlinear behavior of the load is developed. A study case is presented for a radial feeder of 150 loads.
On the influence of heat transfer in peristalsis with variable viscosity
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009
This study concentrates on the heat transfer characteristics and endoscope effects for peristaltic flow of a third order fluid. Two models of variable viscosity are chosen. Both perturbation and numerical solutions are obtained in each case. A comparative study is also made between the two solutions. The importance of pertinent flow parameters entering into the flow modeling is discussed.
The electrical network system is to ensure that an adequate supply is available to meet the estimated load of the consumers in both the near and more distant future. In order to avoid excessive voltage drop and minimize loss, it may be economical to install apparatus to balance or partially balance the loads. It is believed that the technology to achieve an automatic load balancing lends itself readily for the implementation of different types of algorithms for automatically rearranging the connection of consumers on the low voltage end of a feeder for optimal performance. In this paper the combination of the fuzzy logic, which addresses the linear solution, with Newtown Raphson as optimization method for the nonlinear behavior of the load is developed. A study case is presented for a radial feeder of 150 loads. Key words: Load balancing, Fuzzy logic and Newton Raphson
With the advancements of technologies, teaching strategies are changing everyday; consequently, the greatest struggle of teachers is how to attract the attention of their students, when they are learning: Students do have short attention span and they are not fond of listening lectures. Moreover, inspiring students to learn sets them on a path of becoming their best selves. L187
Filogeografia de Thoropa grupo miliaris (Anura: Cycloramphidae
Agradecer é uma tarefa difícil para muitas pessoas. Eu, mesmo pecando pelo excesso em situações formais, nem sempre deixo claro a alguém tudo o que a pessoa é e fez por mim. Vou tentar aqui agradecer às pessoas que, de uma forma ou de outra, me ajudaram, durante e no meu mestrado, mesmo que não fale tudo que gostaria de falar. Espero também não me esquecer de ninguém.