Papyrus Amherst 63 and the Arameans of Egypt: A Landscape of Cultural Nostalgia, in Elephantine in Context, ed. Kratz and Schipper. FAT 155. Mohr Siebeck, 2022.
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I n 1975, the Old Testament scholar Arndt Meinhold published an article on the Joseph story, comparing its narrative to those of Esther and Daniel. 1 Meinhold argued for a similar structure in all three narratives, namely, the rise of an Israelite at a foreign court, combined with the ups and downs of sudden changes in the plot. Drawing on a term introduced by Gerhard von Rad and Hermann Gunkel, Meinhold called the three narratives "diaspora novellas." 2 Following this approach I would like to ask whether it is possible to determine the socio-historical milieu of the text and to consider the consequences of this milieu for the interpretation of the Joseph story. The scholarly discussion over the Joseph story in the last 45 years has centered around the literary character of Genesis 37-50. 3 The Joseph story has been seen as a "test case" for the different compositional models for the Pentateuch. 4 Therefore, most scholars who present a theory for the formation of the Pentateuch-whether a redactional model (Erhard Blum and Reinhard G. Kra) 5 or a "renewal of the Documentary Hypothesis" (Joel Baden and Baruch Schwar) 6-seek to incorporate the Joseph story into their compositional theories. It is not the intention of the present article to suggest a new theory on the literary growth of the Joseph story, although any study of Gen 37-50 has to make clear which "text" it has in mind (see below). The main focus below will be the aspect mentioned by Meinhold and others, namely, the composition of the text and its possible sociopolitical background. In taking this approach, I would like to include material from the "Judahite-Aramaic" colony on the island of Elephantine in Egypt. This material includes the famous story of Ahiqar, as well as a papyrus from the collection of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin.
Novum Testamentum, 2010
This slender volume, written by an unrivalled authority on Egypt in Greek, Roman and Byzantine times, treats several much-discussed and controversial subjects. Every word in the title signals an issue in debate. Early: The question is how early? Bagnall challenges the widely accepted early dating of Christian papyri. Many scholars accept the Leuven Database of Ancient Books (LDAB) dates in the tradition of C.H. Roberts and others. Bagnall argues for the later dates proposed by E.G. Turner and suggested earlier by Grenfell and Hunt. On this reckoning, P Ryl. III 457 (P 52), usually dated to the early second century, should be dated a good deal later in the century. He notes a virtual absence of Christianity in Egypt before the episcopate of Demetrius (189-231 CE). Bagnall reacts against "the struggle to push the dates of manuscripts back into the second century or even into the first," (23) and calls for an "alertness to agendas, stated or unstated." (26). His second chapter offers two case studies, one concerning the irresponsible and "tedious" (39) affair of the late Carsten Peter Thiede, the other regarding "good, even excellent scholarship and real, rather than phony, problems," (40), involved in the early dating of fragments of the Shepherd of Hermas. Bagnall notes the difficulty of dating literary manuscripts of the ancient world. Many have no date, as do some documentary papyri, and "everything rests on fallible paleographic dating" (10). On these grounds it seems best, while being on guard against our own agendas, to continue to rely on the widely accepted LDAB dates unless clear evidence calls for revision. Christian: Many of the theological papyri are clearly Christian texts. Among these we may confidently count fragments of the New Testament and other early Christian writings, and texts of the LXX etc. that employ Nomina Sacra. But some fragments may be either Christian or Jewish. The use of the codex by Christians, in contrast to the Jewish use of rolls, is commonly thought to be a reliable guide. But Bagnall points out that P. Oxy LXV 4443, containing three columns of Esther, and dated to the first or second century CE, is not clearly Christian. He remarks, "There is nothing to prevent it from being Jewish" (75). Perhaps the clear distinction between "Christian" and "Jewish" in Egypt does not emerge until the end of the second century. This may help to explain the meager evidence for Christianity in Egypt for most of the century. Christians, being Jews, would have suffered in the wake of the war that raged from
The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt III: Contributions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources, 2022
Cristina Alù, Some Remarks on the sx.tjw and their Overseers: The Multiple Meanings of sx.t and the Social Identity of the Marsh-dwellers Daphna Ben-Tor, James M. Weinstein, Scarabs from a Late Middle Kingdom Workshop at Tell el-Dab‘a Edward Brovarski, A Hitherto Unpublished Middle Kingdom Stela in the Field Museum of Natural History – Chicago Arkadiy E. Demidchik, Some Remarks on Neha’s Spell for Gaining Power over his Servant Statuettes Micòl Di Teodoro, The Preservation of Monuments in the Written Sources of Dynastic Egypt between 2000 and 1550 BC Gudelia García Fernández, Angela M.J. Tooley, Paddle Dolls from the Spanish Mission to Dra Abu el-Naga: Images and Contexts Wolfram Grajetzki, Middle Kingdom Coffins and Coffin Fragments in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge Ali Hassan Eid, The Journey from Authenticity to Forgery: A Case-study on an Adzeblade (Egyptian Museum Cairo JE 67944) of the Thirteenth Dynasty Khaled Hassan, Middle Kingdom Wooden Board with Hieratic Inscriptions from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo (JE 30442/CG 25369/SR 920) Dinara Hereikhanova, Not only for a King: Nms-headdresses on the Objects of the Twelfth to Eighteenth Dynasties Lubica Hudáková, The Acquisition of a Coffin – Tracing the (Art) History of the Coffin of Neby (MFA 04.2058): From Dayr al-Barsha to Beni Hassan to Boston Alexander Ilin-Tomich, Minor contributions to Middle Kingdom prosopography Esmeralda Lundius, Processing Sites in the Funerary Landscape: Observations on Ancient Egyptian Offering Trays and ‘Soul houses’ Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda, Seven Oyster Shells at the Egyptian Museum Cairo (CG 12825-12829, JE 28320 and JE 91753) Ahmed M. Mekawy Ouda, Khaled Hassan, Wooden Kohl Tube with Hieratic Inscriptions at the Egyptian Museum Cairo (CG 44703/JE 18553) Gianluca Miniaci, Cornelius von Pilgrim, An Unusual Mutilation of the Crocodile Hieroglyphic Sign in an Early Middle Kingdom Stela from the Sanctuary II of Heqaib at Elephantine Stephen Quirke, Three Types of inscribed Middle Kingdom objects in the Purchases by Flinders Petrie Patricia Rigault, A new Occurrence of CT 398 on two Coffin Fragments in the Louvre Museum Julien Siesse, The Late Middle Kingdom Stela Louvre N 196 = C 42 from the Louvre Museum Uta Siffert, ‘Death ends a Life, not a Relationship’. Some Thoughts on Designatin the Deceased Ax and Wsir NN in the Middle Kingdom Danijela Stefanović, The Administration of the Middle Kingdom Weaving Workshops: a Note on the Textual and Iconographic Data Mohamed Youssef Ali, The Statue of Ameny from his Tomb at Lisht
In Praise of Gods & Goddesses in Aramean Egypt: Papyrus Amherst 63
Pp. 301-24 in Hymnen und Aretalogien im antiken Mittelmeerraum: Von Inana bis Isis, ed. L. Bricault and M.A. Stadler., 2021
Die hier vorgelegten Aufsätze sind aus den Vorträgen erwachsen, die beim Kolloquium Hymnen und Götteraretalogien des antiken Mittelmeerraumes: Von Inana und Isis bis Jahve und Christus gehalten wurden, wobei "Christus" damals in der endgültigen Zusammensetzung der Referentinnen und Referenten als Versprechen nicht eingelöst wurde. Die Tagung hat der Würzburger Lehrstuhl für Ägyptologie in Würzburg veranstaltet. Sie fand vom 10. bis 12. September 2018 im Burkardushaus Würzburg statt und wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft finanziell gefördert, wofür wir zu Dank verpflichtet sind. Unser Dank geht auch an die folgenden Personen: Veronika Appel unterstützte uns als studentische Hilfskraft beim Satz der Manuskripte maßgeblich. Ulrike Melzow vom Harrassowitz Verlag stand ihr hier mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Wir danken zudem den Herausgebern cuiuscumque generis der Reihe Philippika-Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen für die Aufnahme des Bandes in die Reihe und Stephan Specht, dem Leiter des Verlages, weil er sofort trotz unserer prekären Finanzierungssituation die Drucklegung betreffend die Übernahme ins Verlagsprogramm zugesagt hat. Den Autorinnen und Autoren sind wir für die angenehme Zusammenarbeit verpflichtet.
Middle Kingdom Studies 2, 2016
Marilina Betrò, Tombs in transition: MIDAN.05 and windows in the early Eighteenth Dynasty Anna Consonni, Precious finds from an early Middle Kingdom tomb in Thebes: reconstructing connections between the dead and their goods John Coleman Darnell, Colleen Manassa Darnell, Umm-Mawagir in Kharga Oasis: an Industrial Landscapeof the Late Middle Kingdom/Second Intermediate Period Vivian Davies, The tomb of a Governor of Elkab of the Second Intermediate Period Marleen De Meyer, An Isolated Middle Kingdom Tomb At Dayr Al-Barsha Nathalie Favry, The Transmission of Offices in the Middle Kingdom Wolfram Grajetzki, Gianluca Miniaci, The stela of the Thirteenth Dynasty treasurer Senebsumai, Turin Cat. S. 1303 Karin Kopetzky, Some Remarks on the Relations between Egypt and the Levant during the late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Ingrid Melandri, Female Burials in the Funerary Complexes of the Twelfth Dynasty: an Architectonic Approach Stephen Quirke, Diachronic questions of form and function: falcon-head utensils in Middle Kingdom contexts Mohammed Gamal Rashed, The Egg as a Metaphor for Isis: A Coffin Text Imagery Gloria Rosati, ‘Writing-Board Stelae’ with Sokar-Formula: A Preliminary Account with a note on the Archaeological Context of Tomb C 37, Asasif, by Gianluca Miniaci Ashraf Senussi, Said Abd Alhafeez Abd Allah Kheder, Two Blocks of Sobekhotep from Hawara Julien Siesse, An Unpublished Scarab of Queen Tjan (Thirteenth Dynasty) from the Louvre Museum (AF 6755) Pascal Vernus, Literary exploitation of a craftman’s device: the sandal-maker biting leather (Teaching of Chety, pSallier VIII, 12). When philology, iconography and archaeology overlap Fred Vink, Boundaries of Protection. Function and significance of the framing (lines) on Middle Kingdom apotropaia, in particular magic wands Paul Whelan, On the Context and Conception of Two ‘Trademark’ Styles from Late Middle Kingdom Abydos
rznn Tnn Cranruowr Gnaoua:rr Scuoor After general remarks on popularization, this review article considers three books written by Egyptologists for the non-specialist: Lalouette's Textes sacris et textes profones, James's Pharqoh's People, and Redford's Akhenaten. Lalouette's anthology exemplifies the traditional philological approach, providing access to a culture through texts; this highly competent book emphasizes literary and monumental writings and shows a "royalist" slant. James draws masterfully on a broader range of material-including documentary texts, representations and material culture-to provide an integrated cultural portrait highlighting the non-royal population of the New Kingdom; he explains the nature and limitations of the written sources. The reviewer notes recent work which draws upon the social sciences to help reconstruct ancient cultures. Redford shows us the historian and interpreter in action, discussing Akhenaten's reign in its historical and international context, the important East Karnak material, and the character of Akhenaten and his reforms. Some issues, e.g., the coregency, are not fully debated. The characterization of Akhenaten and his program is so negative and pointed as to suggest a "hidden agenda" of modern political commentary, though the reviewer iargely concurs with the assessment. A brief conclusion notes the importance of such books and the awareness they can promote among the public.
Programme of the Second International Conference on Christian Egypt 284-641 AD
Mohammed Zayed, Marco Stroppa, Rasha El-Mofatch, Dr. Dawoud Khalil Messiha, اسحاق عجبان, louay saied, Evina Badawy, Konstantin Klein, Cornelia Roemer, seham D A Aish, Marian Lukas Ureutz, Mabrouka kamel, EIRINI ARTEMI, Lincoln H. Blumell, Tarek M Muhammad, Vassilios Christides
Ain Shams University, 5-7 May 2015, Cairo, Egypt.
A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late antique Egypt, Wiley-Blackwell, 792p. (2019)
Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-118-42847-4, see, 2019
With contributions from noted authorities in the field, A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt offers a comprehensive resource that covers almost 1000 years of Egyptian history, starting with the liberation of Egypt from Persian rule by Alexander the Great in 332 BC and ending in AD 642, when Arab rule started in the Nile country. The Companion takes a largely sociological perspective and includes a section on life portraits at the end of each part. The theme of identity in a multicultural environment and a chapter on the quality of life of Egypt's inhabitants clearly illustrate this objective. The authors put the emphasis on the changes that occurred in the Greco-Roman and Late Antique periods, as illustrated by such topics as: Traditional religious life challenged; Governing a country with a past: between tradition and innovation; and Creative minds in theory and praxis. This important resource: - Discusses how Egypt became part of a globalizing world in Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times - Explores notable innovations by the Ptolemies and Romans - Puts the focus on the longue durée developments - Offers a thematic and multidisciplinary approach to the subject, bringing together scholars of different disciplines - Contains life portraits in which various aspects and themes of people’s daily life in Egypt are discussed Written for academics and students of the Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt period, this Companion offers a guide that is useful for students in the areas of Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and New Testament studies.
Middle Kingdom Studies 1, 2015
Table of Contents Masahiro Baba, Ken Yazawa: Burial Assemblages of the Late Middle Kingdom, Shaft-tombs in Dahshur North Bettina Bader: Stone Objects from the Late Middle Kingdom Settlement at Tell el-Daba Helmut Brandl: Late Middle Kingdom or Late Period? Re-Considering the “Realistic” Statue Head, Munich ÄS 1622 Simon Connor: The Statue of the Steward Nemtyhotep ( Berlin ÄM 15700) and some Considerations about Royal and Private Portrait under Amenemhat III Biri Fay: Thoughts on the Sculpture of Sesostris I and Amenemhat II, Inspired by the Meket-re Study Day Biri Fay: London BM EA 288 (1237) - a Cloaked Individual Biri Fay, Rita E. Freed, Thomas Schelper, Friederike Seyfried: Neferusobek Project (I) Rita E. Freed: A Torso gets a Name: an Additional Statue of the Vizier Mentuhotep? José M. Galán, Ángeles Jiménez-Higueras: Three Burials of the Seventeenth Dynasty in Dra Abu El-Naga Wolfram Grajetzki: A Middle Kingdom Stela from Koptos (Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove HA282043) Zoltán Horváth: Hathor and her Festivals at Lahun Alexander Ilin-Tomich: King Seankhibra and the Middle Kingdom Appeal to the Living Alejandro Jiménez Serrano: A unique Funerary Complex in Qubbet el-Hawa for Two Governors of the Late Twelfth Dynasty Renata Landgráfová: In the Realm of Reputation: Private Life in Middle Kingdom Auto/biographies Eva Lange: The So-called Governors' Cemetery at Bubastis and Provincial Elite, Tombs in the Nile Delta: State and Perspectives of Research David Lorand: The Archetype of Kingship Who Senwosret I claimed to be, How and Why? Antonio J. Morales: Tracing Middle Kingdom Pyramid Texts Traditions at Dahshur Miriam Müller: New Approaches to the Study of Households in Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period Egypt Melinda G. Nelson-Hurst: The (social) House of Khnumhotep Rune Nyord: Scribes of the Gods in the Coffin Texts Mohamed Gamal Rashed: The Significance of the Hieroglyph ‘The Egg with the Young Bird Inside Patricia Rigault: The Canopic Chest of Khakheperreseneb/Iy - Louvre E 17108 Danijela Stefanovic, Helmut Satzinger: I am a Nbt-pr, and I am Independent Angela M. J. Tooley: Garstang's El Arabah Tomb E.1