American College of Toxicology Council

  • ️American College of Toxicology

Meet our Superheros


ACT Council serves as the Board of Directors for the College, jointly overseeing and providing general administration, direction, and management of the affairs of the College. This body consists of both member-elected positions, including the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past President, and Councilors (total of nine), plus a council-elected position, the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Toxicology. The ACT Council freely offers advice and/or ideas based on knowledge and experience and serves as a liaison for solicited and unsolicited opinions and ideas between Council and members of the College.

Jeffrey Tepper

Patricia Ryan

Patricia Ryan


Peyton Myers

Peyton Myers

Vice President

William Brock

William Brock


Alan Brown

Kristina DeSmet,

Kristina DeSmet


Mary Beth Genter

Mary Beth Genter


Leanne Bedard

Nancy Bordelon

Michael Dorato

Marie Fortin

Krista Greenwood

Krista Greenwood


Andrea Kim

Thomas Steinbach

Thomas Steinbach


Julie White

Ronnie Yeager

Nancy Rollman

Nancy Rollman

Executive Director

Elisa Turner

Elisa Turner

Deputy Executive Director