Transparency | Corporative | Aena
At Aena we are convinced that transparency is a key factor when it comes to credibility, trust and reputation. It has an unquestionable value for the organisation and its stakeholders. For this reason guaranteeing people's right to access public information is part of our corporate culture.
This commitment to transparency helps encourage dialogue, collaboration and accountability while also helping to continuously assess and reinforce our commitment to society. We also believe that this will to consolidate an informed, participative society helps us better meet our mission to be more efficient and grow as a responsible company.
Aena already has channels such as the Procedures and Claims Portal, through which the public can process their applications, suggest improvements or notify us of any dissatisfaction with our services.
In compliance with Law 19/2013, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, in this section on corporate responsibility and transparency we publish updated information that is relevant to ensure the transparency of our activity: duties, organisational structure, economic and financial information, etc.